Activating audio input on my own - can anyone help?

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Virtual Gordon
Posts: 1
Joined: 17. Mar 2008, 20:21

Activating audio input on my own - can anyone help?

Post by Virtual Gordon »


at first I want to say that Virtual Box has surprised me in a positive way. Before I tried it I wouldn't have believed it's so easy to have a virtual machine running.

I own a MacBook and installed a Win XP VM (without any service packs). Unfortunately the most important feature I need is not yet supported - audio input!

I then googled around a bit and found this discussion:

As it seems, there is a way to use audio input. User xerces8 has found entries that (damn) are interesting but won't solve my problem, whereas user frank knows about a rarely tested but working audio input support.

peremen has even managed to do it - under linux.

To make a conclusion: audio input seems to be already featured, but how can I activate it with Mac OS X 10.5.2 ?
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