Direct3D HW Acceleration Not Working

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Direct3D HW Acceleration Not Working

Post by mi6 »


os: win 10 iot 21h2 ltsc x64

i can't use d3d hw acceleration with either chrome or any d3d 9 game(s).
on vbox 6 latest compatible for xp, i could run those games.

i made a very lite 2 versions of win 10:
a. about 2500 mb in size the whole c:\windows dir and program files (only 64 bit and NO 32bit, meaning i do not have syswow64 or program files x86, nor net framework for 32bit.
the windows run's only 64bit exe's.

b. about 4000 mb 64bit with 32bit syswow64, it runs also 32bit.

Now i did the tests on both, except i run aida64 on the version b that has syswow64.

As noticed i am ditching the 32bit emulation from windows main os installed, as i do not have or use 32bit anymore, except some about 10 games per total all of them are 32bit.

My system run's fast since it has no checkups for 32bit emulation anymore, so per total best performance way less i/o trash, great security, and of course better stability.

Now resuming i tried every setting on vbox and it did nothing and what is to do to make it work,have d3d hw acceleration ?!
In chrome on the chrome:gpu page on first is says no hw acceleration but scrolling down a while is say it do has hw acceleration :shock:

My video card is none since i do not use an dedicated video card past over 15 years ago, but i do have of course igpu (integrated gpu in alongside/in cpu), so my igpu is an vega 7 (7 cores units) of the test system amd ryzen 5500U (zen 2).
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Re: Direct3D HW Acceleration Not Working

Post by scottgus1 »

Screenshots should be posted using the forum's Attachments tab, instead of on 3rd-party sites where the links can go stale. Such as they are now, I haven't seen your linked screenshots.

However, there is a problem in the problem:
mi6 wrote: 31. Jan 2024, 13:21 os: win 10 iot 21h2 ltsc x64
a very lite 2 versions of win 10:
a. about 2500 mb in size the whole c:\windows dir and program files (only 64 bit and NO 32bit, meaning i do not have syswow64 or program files x86, nor net framework for 32bit.
the windows run's only 64bit exe's.

b. about 4000 mb 64bit with 32bit syswow64, it runs also 32bit.
Virtualbox is known to work (albeit with some occasional glitches) with full-blown Windows 10 sans modifications/"nliting". If "iot" means the "internet of things" version of 10, that's uncharted territory. Also uncharted would be modified "lite" versions of 10 where an important necessary file might have been excluded.

So we're on shaky ground before we start.

One thing I don't see is mention of installing Guest Additions in the VMs, which is necessary to get host hardware acceleration to be available (somewhat) in the VM, when the 3D Acceleration setting is enabled and the video RAM is maxed out.

Please install Guest Additions in the VMs, enable 3D Acceleration in the Display settings, and max video RAM. Note that you may also have to turn off Transparency in the VM OS.

If you don't get hardware acceleration inside the VM, please provide a log:

Start the VM from full normal shutdown, not save-state. Run until you see the problem happen, then shut down the VM from within the VM's OS if possible. If not possible, close the Virtualbox window for the VM with the Power Off option set.

Right-click the VM in the main Virtualbox window's VM list, choose Show in Explorer/Finder/File Manager. In the "Logs" subfolder, zip the VM's "vbox.log", and post the zip file, using the forum's Attachments tab. (Configure your host OS to show all extensions so you can find the "vbox.log", not "vbox.log.1", etc.)

Further, if acceleration doesn't work in the lite VMs, make a new VM with full unmodified Windows 10 fresh from Microsoft, and install GAs with 3D & max video RAM, and provide a log from that new VM too.
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Re: Direct3D HW Acceleration Not Working

Post by mi6 »

Screenshots should be posted using the forum's Attachments tab, instead of on 3rd-party sites where the links can go stale. Such as they are now, I haven't seen your linked screenshots.

Have you tried the attach ? i tried and it's not working for all the screenshots, instead only for 3 and those/all must be something about less than 256kb and more vbox forum doesn't accept webp image formats why ?
So for me to attach from the original screenshots of high dpi 1920x1080p i had to resize them to lower resolution and save them in jpg at 60% quality..quality that at 60% is worse.
So now i do wonder what exactly this vbox forum is for? what ages ago for pc computing, xp era?

Virtualbox is known to work (albeit with some occasional glitches) with full-blown Windows 10 sans modifications/"nliting". If "iot" means the "internet of things" version of 10, that's uncharted territory. Also uncharted would be modified "lite" versions of 10 where an important necessary file might have been excluded.

Yes it's iot 21h2 ltsc x64 and i modified personally. more i only use my own made tool to remove packages. I do not have or use ntlite or any other alike. So in this aspect my version is very stable and runs what it meant to run.

About the rest i suggest to check the screenshots gallery in the 1'st post, it's all explained.
Evidence is at hand for the PRO only to seek.

Now returning to vbox i just tested other virtual emulation software and it just worked.
gallery here:
the 3d game just worked without no fuss, the other virtual emulation software name is vmware workstation player free.

And HyperX is just wonderful, but only vbox is not working, why?!

So resuming is oracle aware that his products are not working?
Is oracle developers test their things before release them?
Is oracle going to give some of his employers an P65 slip for misbehave ?!

I will contact oracle at higher level trough my company, and i will express my deep regret for having encounter such a misbehave.
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Re: Direct3D HW Acceleration Not Working

Post by scottgus1 »

I don't look at 3rd-party picture sharing sites because I don't want to see the porn that is often attached to the linked picture on such sites.
mi6 wrote: 31. Jan 2024, 17:59 Have you tried the attach ? i tried and it's not working for all the screenshots, instead only for 3 and those/all must be something about less than 256kb and more vbox forum doesn't accept webp image formats why ?
So for me to attach from the original screenshots of high dpi 1920x1080p i had to resize them to lower resolution and save them in jpg at 60% quality..quality that at 60% is worse.
I have used the Attachments tab dozens of times with success. And so do hundreds of others all the time.

The forum software phpBB has a three-attachment limit per post. Further posts are permitted to continue posting more pictures. There is a size limit too, so the drives don't fill up. PNG is a better compression than JPG, and often the information conveyed can be done in less than bedquilt-size pictures. A little thinking outside the box is often necessary, not just insisting on one's own way...

scottgus1 wrote: 31. Jan 2024, 15:55 full-blown Windows 10 sans modifications/"nliting".
mi6 wrote: 31. Jan 2024, 17:59 i modified personally. more i only use my own made tool to remove packages. I do not have or use ntlite or any other alike.
The highlighted part in my quote covers the highlighted part in your quote. You're using a modified OS, however you got there, so things may not work. Only the full unmodified OS is supported.

mi6 wrote: 31. Jan 2024, 17:593d game
mi6 wrote: 31. Jan 2024, 17:59 I will contact oracle at higher level trough my company
Be sure to let your company know that you'll be using their expensive paid support channel to figure out how to play your games. They'll love that!


After all your rant, you do not mention that you installed Guest Additions in the VM. So we cannot help until you prove that you did.

This topic will be locked unless the next post includes the following:
  1. "here is my log after installing Guest Additions and enabling 3D Acceleration & max video RAM"
  2. an attached zipped log per my instructions above
  3. an attached screenshot showing the problem
  4. no rant
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Re: Direct3D HW Acceleration Not Working

Post by mi6 »

Official complaints have been made and i was assured that the person "scottgus1" will be moved somewhere in siberia !
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Re: Direct3D HW Acceleration Not Working

Post by scottgus1 »

mi6 wrote: 9. Feb 2024, 15:04 "scottgus1" will be moved somewhere in siberia !
:lol: My wife loves the cold. I don't mind it either. Looking forward to the trip, as long as someone else pays for it. Should I brush up on my Russian? Or do they speak a local dialect there?

Locking this topic because of no data being given to determine the cause of mi6's Virtualbox problem.

As to mi6's travel plans for me, I'll chalk this up to humor and not attribute it to a personal attack, which would be a ban-worthy offense on the forum.
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Windows 11 3D HW Acceleration is NOT WORKING !! Why ?!

Post by mi6 »

Clipboard01.png (16.83 KiB) Viewed 2929 times
VirtualBox_11_09_02_2024_14_45_02.png (171.67 KiB) Viewed 2929 times
As stated nothing works right with/in virtualbox.
But in VMWARE Player FREE everything works as CHROME has GPU HW Accelerated, All 3D games too works, and more on VMWARE
i do not know why but the 3D Graphics is looking way better than on my main desktop, as it seems that in VMWARE the 3D Graphics is/are somehow filtered, and that looks awesome, incredible !

But on vbox again nothing is working no 3D HW nothing except bugs.
Anyway i made official complaints and i was assured that changes will be made at dev team and forum too.
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Re: Windows 11 3D HW Acceleration is NOT WORKING !! Why ?!

Post by scottgus1 »

OK, though I'm on my way to Siberia :lol: I'll give you one more chance.

Let's see if Guest Additions are installed:

Please start the VM from full normal shutdown, not save-state. Run until you see the problem happen, then shut down the VM from within the VM's OS if possible. If not possible, close the Virtualbox window for the VM with the Power Off option set.

Right-click the VM in the main Virtualbox window's VM list, choose Show in Explorer/Finder/File Manager. In the "Logs" subfolder, zip the VM's "vbox.log", and post the zip file, using the forum's Attachments tab. (Configure your host OS to show all extensions so you can find the "vbox.log", not "vbox.log.1", etc.)
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Re: Windows 11 3D HW Acceleration is NOT WORKING !! Why ?!

Post by mi6 »

Clipboard02.png (8.67 KiB) Viewed 2913 times
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Re: Windows 11 3D HW Acceleration is NOT WORKING !! Why ?!

Post by scottgus1 »

The Extension Pack isn't the Guest Additions. Please provide the requested log.
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Re: Windows 11 3D HW Acceleration is NOT WORKING !! Why ?!

Post by mi6 »

scottgus1 wrote: 9. Feb 2024, 15:27 The Extension Pack isn't the Guest Additions. Please provide the requested log.
Do you checked the 1# post !
It's all explained in the screenshot !
Like i said ONLY THE PRO can see it !
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Re: Windows 11 3D HW Acceleration is NOT WORKING !! Why ?!

Post by scottgus1 »

A log or we're done here. You're riding close to a ban...

And your personal comments above have been moved to Feedback where they belong.
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Re: Windows 11 3D HW Acceleration is NOT WORKING !! Why ?!

Post by mi6 »

Check,check with the dev's.
I can't provide logs i/we are on very sensitive hw and nda(S).
If i provide logs then it will unveil an 256 cpu or an mi350.
Buddy i am foxconn, if you even know what that means. but i will translate you only that i/we have now what the rest of the world will have after 8 to 14 months.
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Re: Windows 11 3D HW Acceleration is NOT WORKING !! Why ?!

Post by scottgus1 »

If your company has an Oracle support contract with extradition/deportation rights as you claim, then you can get assistance on this problem through the Oracle contract. You don't need to be here.

Locking this and merging it to your original topic.

You will not be allowed to post anymore on this subject of Windows 10/11 and 3D acceleration not working, since you won't or can't provide a log. If you do, you will be banned for a week on the first offense, and permanently if you do it again. Official forum warning to follow.
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If your company has an Oracle support contract with extradition/deportation rights as you claim, then you can get assist

Post by mi6 »

If your company has an Oracle support contract with extradition/deportation rights as you claim, then you can get assistance on this problem through the Oracle contract. You don't need to be here.
We can't, the person has been sacked by Oracle last year, and since last year Oracle has NOT replaced the contact.
Oracle told us that they are restructuring and more p65 slips are on their way.
You will not be allowed to post anymore on this subject of Windows 10/11 and 3D acceleration not working, since you won't or can't provide a log.
You don't understand what means sitting on pile(S) of NDA(S) !!
Like i told i/we here are sitting on very S E N S I T I V E - H W, and these hw(s) are not supposing to exist for months ahead "yet".
That's why we are doing validation(s) of/on them !

Without us Oracle will run their sw on papers !