Run VBoxManage without having to type the program path.

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Run VBoxManage without having to type the program path.

Post by mpack »

A quick one this time.

Typing the complete path to "VBoxManage.exe" in the command console can be a pain. You can add the VBoxManage folder to the path, but that can be a pain too. People can be tempted into doing nasty things to alleviate this pain, such as copying the VBoxManage.exe file around, but that is not a good idea - it's matched to one version of VirtualBox. A better idea is to have a proxy for VBoxManage somewhere on the existing search path, for example in the "C:\Windows" folder.

The attachment contains a file "VBoxManage.bat" which you can put in the C:\Windows folder or anywhere else on the existing path that you prefer. Thereafter every time you open a command console you only need type "VBoxManage", you don't need the whole path.

Note that the attached batch file assumes that VBoxManage.exe can be found in the folder "C:\Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox". You'll need to edit the command if you installed VirtualBox somewhere else.
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