[Solved] Critical error - "Cannot create the machine folder..."

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[Solved] Critical error - "Cannot create the machine folder..."

Post by roddik »

I've just downloaded Virtualbox and the latest version of Ubuntu (both 32 and 64 bit). When I try to mount it I get the following error message:

"VirtualBox - Critical Error
Cannot create the machine folder ubuntu-16.04.1-desktop-amd64 (1).iso in the parent folder C:/Users/rodol/Downloads.
Please check that the parent really exists and that you have permissions to create the machine folder."

C:/Users/rodol/Downloads is the path in which I downloaded Ubuntu (named "ubuntu-16.04.1-desktop-amd64 (1).iso"). The file is still there while I'm trying to mount it on VirtualBox.
Any suggestion?

I'm not English and I know nothing, so please be patient :roll:

These are the files I find in the path C:\Users\rodol\.VirtualBox:
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Re: Critical error - "Cannot create the machine folder..."

Post by mpack »

It sounds like you are trying to give the VM the name of your boot ISO file, which isn't a good start.

It also sounds like you changed your default machine folder to that of your Downloads folder. Another misstep.

The error occurs when VirtualBox tries to create a VM folder in your Downloads folder, since of course an ISO file and a VM folder can't both use the same name. This error is terminal, hence "Critical error".

You could undo this damage, but I don't know what else you've done. So, I would start again: uninstall VirtualBox, delete the <userdoc>\.VirtualBox folder. Reinstall, and then follow the instructions in User Manual section 1.7: Creating your first virtual machine. Don't do anything not mentioned in the tutorial.

p.s. Cross posting is against the rules of these forums. To avoid duplication please ask your question once. I have deleted your other post in what was an unrelated topic. Just because your error message also starts with the words "Critical error ..." doesn't mean it's the same error.
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Re: Critical error - "Cannot create the machine folder..."

Post by roddik »

Ok, sorry for reposting and thank you for your answer.
It sounds like you are trying to give the VM the name of your boot ISO file
Ok I got it all from this sentence. I'm an idiot: I was selecting the .iso file instead of entering the name of the guest system (that's because when you click on the empty space you get the classic folder image to select a file, that's why I supposed I shoud select the .iso file at that point).
I just wrote "Ubuntu 32 bit" and everything went fine.

Thanks a lot! :D Sorry for noobing :roll:
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Re: Critical error - "Cannot create the machine folder..."

Post by mpack »

No problem, though there's still the matter that it shouldn't have been trying to create a VM inside your downloads folder, implying your had changed the default folder for new VMs. IMHO you should leave this alone until you have more experience.
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Re: [Solved] Critical error - "Cannot create the machine folder..."

Post by roddik »

I had changed the default folder, indeed, since I did not understand what was wrong.
But I reinstalled it to be sure everything was set back to its original value. I am not doing anything else since now I'm able to run an Ubuntu session, so I hope there won't be further complications.
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Re: [Solved] Critical error - "Cannot create the machine folder..."

Post by mpack »

Well, reinstalling by itself doesn't remove all your past settings, but hopefully you also deleted those folders I mentioned, in which case all should now be back as it should be.
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Re: [Solved] Critical error - "Cannot create the machine folder..."

Post by gleonard »

I can't believe I totally missed this thread.

I am having the same issue, but I literally don't understand at all how you worked around it.

I even changed ISO location to C:\CentOS-7-x86_64-Minimal-1511.iso

What am I doing wrong? I need to learn this.
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Re: [Solved] Critical error - "Cannot create the machine folder..."

Post by towo2099 »

What am I doing wrong? I need to learn this.
A name is a name, not a path to an ISO!
Open your eyes and look, what you have written in the Box a s name!
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