Building VirtualBox from SVN using Debian-Based x86_64
Posted: 12. Sep 2015, 15:07
VirtualBox master build instructions
Warning: SVN is considered bleeding edge. Do not use in a production environment
This is the way I build VirtualBox OSE from SVN and install. Notice that this is the hardened version and must be installed before it will work.
If you want to build using the "./configure --disable-hardening" you will need to add additional symlinks indicated in the VirtualBox master build instructions above.
If you install this on an Debian Squeeze host, you will have a fully functional Bleeding edge VirtualBox-OSE. If you install it on a Debian Squeeze guest you will still have a copy of VirtualBox but will not be able to actually install a guest due to not being able to run a virtualizer in another virtualizer.
Note: If this is a rebuild it is suggested that you delete the ~/virtualbox/vbox/out folder before starting to prevent conflicts.
Packages needed to compile VirtualBox
You will also need to install openwatcom separately. Located here
Run the code
Note: This compiles a complete for distribution build that is installable including the guest additions for your build and can use all of the VirtualBox benefits. If you do not want to install features you need to modify it to your environment as that is not the purpose of this tutorial.
This is the way I build VirtualBox OSE from SVN and install. Notice that this is the hardened version and must be installed before it will work.
If you want to build using the "./configure --disable-hardening" you will need to add additional symlinks indicated in the VirtualBox master build instructions above.
If you install this on an Debian Squeeze host, you will have a fully functional Bleeding edge VirtualBox-OSE. If you install it on a Debian Squeeze guest you will still have a copy of VirtualBox but will not be able to actually install a guest due to not being able to run a virtualizer in another virtualizer.
Packages needed to compile VirtualBox
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apt-get install dkms build-essential linux-headers-$(uname -r) gcc g++ bcc iasl xsltproc uuid-dev zlib1g-dev libidl-dev libsdl1.2-dev libxcursor-dev libasound2-dev libpulse-dev libxml2-dev libxslt1-dev libqt4-dev qt4-dev-tools libcap-dev libxmu-dev mesa-common-dev libglu1-mesa-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev libpam0g-dev libqt4-opengl-dev libc6-dev-i386 lib32gcc1 gcc-multilib lib32stdc++6 g++-multilib libstdc++6 libxinerama-dev libxrandr-dev makeself default-jdk texlive-full curl gsoap yasm subversion python-dev java-common doxygen libgtk2.0-dev libdevmapper-dev libvpx-dev libssl-dev libvncserver0 libvncserver-dev
Run the code
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cd ~/virtualbox
svn co vbox
cd vbox
source ./
kmk all
cd ~/virtualbox/vbox/out/linux.amd64/release/bin/src
sudo make install
cd ~/virtualbox/vbox/src/VBox
kmk packing
cp ~/virtualbox/vbox/out/linux.amd64/release/bin/VirtualBox-4.*.*_OSE-r*.run ~/
cd ~/
sudo ./VirtualBox-4.*.*_OSE-r*.run install