Set up an OS/2 Warp4 VM with networking (and shared folders)

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Set up an OS/2 Warp4 VM with networking (and shared folders)

Post by ghr »


This explains how to:
- set up OS/2 Warp 4
- install a FixPack
- upgrade the display
- set up file sharing

I used VirtualBox 4.1.22 on Win 7 as well as on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS. The Win and Linux versions do not behave exactly identical, the howto reflects that.

I assume that you know how to this on your host system:
- mount an ISO file (CD image)
- create an ISO file
- set up file sharing (hint: you must have SMB1 enabled, for Windows 10 this is NOT a default anymore)

Set up OS/2

File: IBM OS2 Warp 4 - 9.023 - English - Install

Unzip the OS2 zip and mount the CD image and copy the setup images from \DISKIMGS\OS2\35. You need: DISK0.DSK (aka the Installation Diskette), DISK1_CD.DSK (you will install from CD), DISK2.DSK. Do not use the floppy images (wrong size !) that you see after unzipping !

Virtualbox settings:
- OS Type/version: set to IBM OS/2 resp. OS/2 Warp 4
- add a floppy controller if it isn't there yet and insert the DISK0.DSK image
- set networking to Host-Only
- set audio to SoundBlaster 16 if it isn't there yet
- insert the OS2WARP4 CD image

Start the VM and swap floppy images as requested

Go for Easy Installation after reverting to DISK0.DSK
Swap floppy images as requested; at end: remove the floppy image.

In the System Configuration window:
- Multimedia Device Support: change to Sound Blaster 16 PnP
- Printer: change to e.g. HP LaserJet IIISi PS (v52_3) or any other PS printer (later on you can reconfigure the printer to print to a file.)
- click Next twice.

In the Type of Activities Window:
- select Access the Internet
- Connect directly to a LAN

In the File and Print Client Window:
- accept it as is (will install sharing) and click Next

In the Specify Workstation Name window:
- accept as is and click Next (or fill in your own preferred workstation name etc)

In the Domain Name window:
- fill in the domain name, typically this would be WORKGROUP and click Next

In the Default User ID and Password window:
- use the host access credentials here (NO NEW NAME)
- click Next

In the Novell Netware Client for OS/2 window:
- disable this feature and click Next

In the TCP/IP Address Distributed ? Window:
- select DHCP and click Next

In the TCP/IP Services Configuration window:
- click Next, we'll deal with that later

In the Adapter related windows: click Next
In the Ready to Install window: click Install
This window should list: TCP/IP Services, Network Adapter and Protocols Services, File and Print Client.

Next, wait and be patient... A couple of reboots follow.

Later on you can reconfigure the printer to print to a file.

Install a FixPack

You'll need sfix41 (a utility to simplify FixPack installation) and a FixPack, e.g. FixPack 5.

Source: (aka hobbes)
File: (search for it; Zip file, 836.3 KB, 2001/07/17)

Source: ... s/xr_m005/
File: all (to keep the recipe simple)

Simplest preparation is:
- unzip the on the host
- write the unzipped files plus all this to an iso (CD image).
For your own convencience: keep pathnames short (DOS style).

- open an OS/2 full screen window
- copy the sfix41 files to a temporary directory on the VM harddisk (do NOT use sfix41 as a name but e.g. sf41)
- create a temporary directory c:\archive
- create a temporary directory c:\tmp
- copy the FixPack files to directory c:\fp5
- install sfix41 from your temporary directory (e.g. c:\sf41) via install
- this brings you back to the OS/2 GUI
- next, run SimplyFix41 and follow it's instructions (first adjust the tmp directory, next browse to the FP5 directory for the FixPack files)
- Apply the Fixpack (as suggested) and click Start...
- this will launch the Corrective Service Facility
- Select the top line (if not yet selected) and click Service; next enter C:\archive in the archive column and click OK
- in the next window, click Continue (some 4 warnings will pop up, OK them all away)
- the final window (Corrective Service Facility Message) has 3 buttons: Display Logfile, Help, Exit, click Exit
- next, click EXIT and confirm Yes on the "Can I delete all temporary files ..." question
- next, click NO on the Shutdown question.

Close all open windows, shut down and reboot...

Upgrade the display

Source: ... k/graddbb/
File: gradd083.exe (08/15/2000 12:00 4,402,121 gradd083.exe)

Add this file to your CD image... and copy it to the VM, e.g. in a directory C:\tmp
run it here as follows:

Code: Select all

gradd083 -OVER -DIR
next, give the command:

Code: Select all

setup GEN
Shutdown and reboot.

Next, use System Setup, System, Screen to adjust your resolution and reboot.

Hint: change your monitor (inside the VM !) for higher resolutions as required...

You can shut down the VM

Set up file sharing

A handy tutorial "Accessing Windows/Samba Shares from OS/2" for this part is here: ... resfromos2

Go to System Setup, MPTS, and run it
In the first window: click Configure
In the second window: Click configure again, only "LAN adapters and protocols" should be selected
In the Adapter and Protocol configuration window: upper right, Protocols, select IBM OS.2 NETBIOS OVER TCP/IP and Add it
In the bottom part (Current Configuration): Select IBM OS2 NETBIOS and Remove it (confirm this in a popup window)

Next, select IBM OS/2 NETBIOS OVER TCP/IP from Current Configuration and Click Edit. Choose Names list and click Configure
Click Add... and add your hostname and IP address (from host Win ipconfig or Linux ifconfig)
Click OK
This brings you back to the selection of Driver parameters/Names List/Broadcast List, select Driver Parameters and click configure
Next, change Maximum number of name-ip address pairs in names file to something > 0 eg 1 and click OK
Next, click Close
Next, click OK to leave the configuration ... window.
Next, click Close to leave the Configure Window
Next, click Exit to leave MTPS (almost done)
and click Exit after the suggestion to update CONFIG.SYS.
Click OK and Exit to leave another couple of windows.

Do NOT reboot but edit C:\IBMLAN\IBMLAN.INI and replace NETBEUI$ by TCPBEUI$ (so change first 3 letters)
Save it as a plain text file.

Now you can reboot:
- shutdown.
- change adapter from NAT to host-only
- boot

Open an OS/2 window; give the command (and use your local names for host and share):

Code: Select all

net use f: \\hostname\sharename
This will start the REQUESTER service; a logon window will pop up and use your credentials as supplied earlier. Now you can browse f: (a shared directory on your host).

Note that the host must have file sharing set up (windows: file sharing; linux: samba)

For a final touch see here: titled "LAN Manager vs. Windows 7". You can edit the IBMLAN.INI file and update the wrkheuristics parameter (just make a backup of this file first...).

Alternatives and extras

For the latest FixPack, 15, you have the following options:
- get it from the IBM site and use sfix41 to install; rest as above.
- get it from hobbes as; in that case you do NOT need sfix41. Now you can use from hobbes as well.

Some applications:
- Acrobat reader (hobbes: aro2e30.exe)
- Netscape (various sources, e.g. comm461.exe from

[20161015 three minor edits/clarifications]
[20230101 add SMB1 hint]
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