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Show the CPU/Ram/Network usage percentage

Posted: 27. Nov 2012, 22:47
Is it possible to show the CPU/Ram/Network usage percentage of the Guest OS in the Virtual Box Main Window. It would be very useful if monitoring is provided on the Main Virtual box. Please.

Re: Show the CPU/Ram/Network usage percentage

Posted: 16. Jan 2013, 12:25
by Worsoee
I really support this suggestion - when running a lot of VM's on a server, and one of the VM's begins using resources (CPU), it's a lot of work to find the one acting up.

Re: Show the CPU/Ram/Network usage percentage

Posted: 16. Jan 2013, 14:07
by noteirak
Alternativly, you can get this information using vboxmanage metrics

Re: Show the CPU/Ram/Network usage percentage

Posted: 17. Jan 2013, 18:35
by scottgus1
Just thinking about this today. Agree, please show graphical CPU usage, network throughput, etc., metrics in main GUI. Sometimes it may not be possible or desired to run Task Manager or other OS equivalent in a guest.

Re: Show the CPU/Ram/Network usage percentage

Posted: 17. Jan 2013, 23:00
by Worsoee
Hi, ...

Thanks for the tip about VBoxManage, it's a powerful tool that can do all sorts of advanced stuff.

However, when running 15-20 VM's on a machine - and it goes to 99% total CPU load on the host - a quick glance pointing me to the troubled VM, not having to start a terminal when the system is already on it's knees, would be very helpful in a (sometimes) stressful situation :)

Best regards

Re: Show the CPU/Ram/Network usage percentage

Posted: 5. Aug 2013, 17:14
Hi, can you please take this suggestion into consideration to show the live metrics of the virtual m/c in the front GUI itself. Thank you.

Display RAM/CPU/SWAP/Network/Disk usage percentage in GUI

Posted: 4. May 2019, 23:57
Is it possible to display the RAM/CPU/SWAP/Network/Disk.. usage % of each Guest OS in the Virtual Box Main GUI Window. It would be very useful if monitoring is provided on the Main Virtual box GUI. Please.
When running multiple VM's on a machine, a quick glance pointing me to the troubled VM on the GUI overview would be really helpful. It can be either that or if the details are showed after i clicked each VM would also be a good start.

Thanks again.

Re: Show the CPU/Ram/Network usage percentage

Posted: 5. May 2019, 08:13
by socratis
I merged your suggestion with the same one that you had 6 years ago. Borderline to being deleted as a duplicate. At least you're (almost) consistent, you added the "swap" this time around... ;)

I don't have a RAM/CPU for my DOS VMs (even a native one, let alone an external monitor), and there's definitely no swap for that. Network/disk usage can be seen with the VirtualBox built-in "Session Information... (Host+N)". I could be watching all of my VMs, all of the CPU/Disk/Network usage by simply launching ActivityMonitor/TaskManager/SystemMonitor (depending on the Host) and focusing on the "VirtualBoxVM" process(es).

In fact I do, every OS that I install (be it physical or virtual), has the corresponding monitor to auto-start. Sometimes even more than one, on my OSX host I have 3 running at the same time, that's the first line of business.