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Version 1.5.4 - one problem after another on Ubuntu 7.10

Posted: 16. Jan 2008, 06:07
by OldeFoxx
Downloaded and installed VirtualBox for Gutsy Gibbon with no problem.
Created New VM for Windows 2K, above minimum base memory, 4G virtual hard drive, enabled floppy.

First problem - no USB support option under settings. When I tried to start the VM, I got an error that usb support was not available on host. Looking for that problem online, I found a post where the /etc/init.d/ file was edited and some lines added. I edited that file and found that the lines were already there. Finally concluded that no command /etc/init.d/mountdevsubfs start had ever been issued. So I did that manually from a terminal, and got passed that problem (at least for the moment).

Present problem, I cannot start the Virtual Machine again, this time with the following error:
The VirtualBox kernel driver is not accessible to the current user. Make sure that the user has write permissions for /dev/vboxdrv by adding them to the vboxusers groups. You will need to logout for the change to take effect..
VBox status code: -1909 (VERR_VM_DRIVER_NOT_ACCESSIBLE).

Incidently, I checked the group vboxusers and both I and the root are already members. But just to be sure, I logged out and logged back in, and get the same error when I try to start the VM.


Posted: 17. Jan 2008, 11:05
by Bill
I had similar problems with the Ubuntu OSE version of VB. The way to solve it is to uninstall the OSE version via the package tool and then install the non OSE version and the VirtualBox GuestAdditions package (USB is not supported in the OSE version).

Go here and follow instructions for adding VB repository to APT. Then install non-OSE version via synaptic package tool.

The GuestAdditions is an ISO which you have to mount as a CDROM image to install.

You may also have to do some of the steps outlined here -

I had to add a group called USBUSERS and add a line to my fstab file referencing this group (1002 is the group id I got when adding the group)

none /proc/bus/usb usbfs devgid=1002,devmode=664 0 0

Also edit the /etc/udev/rules.d/40-permissions.rules file to change the usb_device line like this -

# Edited to enable USB devices with VirtualBox
# Original line commented out
# SUBSYSTEM=="usb_device", MODE="0664"
SUBSYSTEM=="usb_device", MODE="0666"

Once installed I got USB working fine - even got iTunes to see my iPod.

Hope this helps,

Something Ain't Quite Right Here

Posted: 19. Jan 2008, 00:30
by OldeFoxx
When I went for the OSE version, I realized that it did not support USB. But I figured that was not a biggie for a trial effort. So it surprised me when it complained that it could not identify a USB service on the host. The steps I took to get past that just got me to the next error. My guess is that nobody actually has tried the OSE version on Ubuntu 7.10. Another case where it should work, but wait for the bug reports before we actually know for sure. Only a lot of people just give up and never write a bug report, or don't know where to send the bug report, or have the same general attitude - just let somebody else deal with it.

Anyway, thanks for the response and tips. I will try it your way next.

Posted: 19. Jan 2008, 02:42
by eiffel56
Right, the OSE does not support USB.
Also if you use the proprietary version USB won't work on Gutsy. Its a Problem of Ubuntu, not VirtualBox(did work on Feisty without any problems).

But it's simple to get it working. Just edit /etc/init.d/ and uncomment(remove the # characters) under "# Magic to make /proc/bus/usb work".

Now reboot or type

Code: Select all

sudo /etc/init.d/ start
And it should work.

And the "VirtualBox kernel driver is not accessible to the current user" error:
Check everything. You have to be in the "vboxusers" group. After you added yourself to it you have to relogin. If that also won't work, try "sudo chmod 777 /dev/vboxdrv". This should work, but its really not the recommended solution.

Posted: 19. Jan 2008, 12:14
by Ingo
eiffel56 wrote:If that also won't work, try "sudo chmod 777 /dev/vboxdrv". This should work, but its really not the recommended solution.
Really not. Only do it for testing. On unix don't give it more rights then really needed, that is:

Code: Select all

~$ sudo chgrp vboxusers /dev/net/tun
~$ sudo chmod g+rw /dev/net/tun

Started Over From Scratch

Posted: 19. Jan 2008, 22:24
by OldeFoxx
I've dumped Ubuntu 7.10 and reinstalled several times in an effort to solve this problem. I've read several posts, try to follow the instructions in each, sometimes make progress, sometimes not, then dump again when it turns out that it still fails, figuring that the changes made may be significant and intefere with the next attempt.

My last effort was to uninstall VirtualBox which is apparently in part already in Ubuntu after installing 7.10 and use apt-get autoremove to get rid of any dispensable packages, then to use apt-get install virtualbox and also go along and install every recommended or suggested package with it, and there was a lot. I actually got it to launch that time, but it failed to recognize the boot disk in the CDROM drive for Windows 2000, and likewise failed to recognize other boot disks, even with pass through enabled. Then, after struggling with another issue involving mplayer, I had to reboot, and when I tried to launch VirtualBox after the reboot, it failed authentication. but did launch. I tried the Update Manager with All to first uninstall virtualbox, then install it again, and now it fails authentication and also fails to launch. So it looks like time to start over again.

Oh yes, I should mention that usually, the folder /dev/vboxdrv is not created automatically. Only when I uninstalled virtualbox and used the autoremove option with apt-get, then reinstalled did that get created.

It was also suggested that I bypass the OSE version and use the other, but as it happens, the methods I know of for installing packages always goes for the OSE version. I'm trying to get back to the instructions for getting the other, but that has proved elusive.

Anapod Explorer not seeing Ipod- Do I use filters?

Posted: 7. Feb 2008, 05:44
by saghaulor
I've followed Bill's tutorial and VB is now recognizing usb. However, I still cannot get my Winxp guest to see my Ipod.

When I run the settings manager for my session, I have the option to filter my Ipod, so I know the program can see it. However, I can't get my Winxp guest to see it.

Any ideas?

Thank you in advance, and thank you for what you've done hitherto.