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Win10 to Win11 Upgrade on Guest

Posted: 9. Sep 2024, 23:14
by Indy
I upgraded my host to Win11 hoping it would allow me to upgrade the Guest OS's. Here is a short procedure to do the Guest.

My Win10 Guests worked ok but would not upgrade to Win11. The following allowed me to upgrade 2 Guests (Win10 Home and Win10 Pro) to Win11. They are licensed and activated.

Create a USB drive with Media Creation Tool for Win11.

1. Clone Win10 Vbox Guest.

2. Boot the clone.

3. From the clone desktop convert MBR to GPT using the built-in MBR2GPT.exe tool:

a. Hold the shift on the guest and select restart from Start-->Power--> to boot into Advanced Startup Options.

b. Select --> Troubleshoot --> Advanced options --> Command Prompt.

c. Execute the following command to validate that the drive can convert:

d. mbr2gpt /validate

e. Convert the drive:

f. mbr2gpt /convert

g. Type Exit and then select Turn off your PC.

4. In Vbox Manager Settings-->System check the Enable EFI (special OSes Only) and Enable Secure Boot boxes. I checked that TPM was v2.0.

5. Boot the Vbox Win10 clone and insert the Win11 USB drive and attach to the Guest.

6. From the Vbox Win10 clone desktop run setup from the Win11 USB.

7. The clone will reboot into Win11. Check for and install updates.

8. Not sure if required but Vbox manager Settings-->General, I set the windows Version to Windows 11.

I did lose my license to Acrobat 8. Crap.