Interface/screen errors

Discussions about using Windows guests in VirtualBox.
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Joined: 3. Apr 2024, 11:12

Interface/screen errors

Post by Cristopher »

Dear All,

I hope you are doing well,

I am writing to you because I have experienced for some weeks the following error in the screen, the same happens with the mouse arrow, it turns blurry.
error_box_compressed.jpg (253.77 KiB) Viewed 1709 times
Could someone help me how to fix this internal error?
Best regards,

Cristopher Morales Ubal
Posts: 118
Joined: 20. May 2017, 05:07
Primary OS: Fedora other
VBox Version: OSE Fedora
Guest OSses: Windows XP x86

Re: Interface/screen errors

Post by FranceBB »

Is the screenshot from the Guest or the Host?
I'm confused 'cause that's Ubuntu running with GNOME with the graphical glitch which would indicate it's the guest, but we're in the Windows Guests section, so... is it?
Well, assuming it's the Guest, I'd say that it's probably Wayland not being properly supported in the latest release.
There are a lot of commits made recently to support Wayland guests and you could try the latest development snapshot builds from here if you want to and provide some feedback or you could just go back to the good old reliable xorg x11. At the beginning, before you click on your username to login, you're gonna see an engine in the bottom right corner. Click on it and choose GNOME on Xorg instead of "GNOME" (without anything), then login. This will make GNOME use X11 instead of Wayland and the glitch should disappear.

This is how it looks like on my Fedora
GNOME on Xorg.png
GNOME on Xorg.png (17.28 KiB) Viewed 1700 times
so I suppose it should be something like this in Ubuntu:
Screenshot from 2024-04-04 13-46-43.png
Screenshot from 2024-04-04 13-46-43.png (23.35 KiB) Viewed 1699 times
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