After Update from VB 6.1.32_3 -> 6.1.36: Failed to load VMMR0.r0 / Core-Dump

Discussions related to using VirtualBox on other (unsupported) hosts like FreeBSD.
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Posts: 28
Joined: 31. Jul 2011, 14:26
Primary OS: FreeBSD
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After Update from VB 6.1.32_3 -> 6.1.36: Failed to load VMMR0.r0 / Core-Dump

Post by testit »


I updated FreeBSD from 13.0 to 13.1 and then also updated the packages, including Virtualbox:
virtualbox-ose: 6.1.32_3 -> 6.1.36
virtualbox-ose-additions: 6.1.32 -> 6.1.36_1
virtualbox-ose-kmod: 6.1.32_1 -> 6.1.36
Now I can no longer start Virtualbox.
Even a Discard saved state does not solve the problem
The following error message appears:

VMMR0.r0 is importing SUPR0FpuBegin which we couldn't find

Operation failed: NS_ERROR_FAILURE
Error: failed to start machine. Error message: Failed to load R0 module /usr/local/lib/virtualbox/VMMR0.r0: Unable to locate imported symbol 'SUPR0FpuBegin' for module 'VMMR0.r0' (VERR_SYMBOL_NOT_FOUND).
Failed to load VMMR0.r0 (VERR_SYMBOL_NOT_FOUND)
config # VBoxManage -version
root@mail:~/.config # uname -a
FreeBSD 13.1-RELEASE-p2 FreeBSD 13.1-RELEASE-p2 GENERIC amd64
What can I do to get it to work again?

Thanks in advance and best regards

Code: Select all

root@mail:/usr/local/lib/virtualbox # /usr/local/lib/virtualbox/VBoxHeadless --comment "FreeBSD 12.2 TESTUMGEBUNG 7.12.2021" --startvm 9e67b4f2-b904-49f2-81fb-70353e91a62b --vrde config
Oracle VM VirtualBox Headless Interface 6.1.36
(C) 2008-2022 Oracle Corporation
All rights reserved.

Restoring virtual machine: 1: SUPR0AbsIs64bit
2: SUPR0Abs64bitKernelCS
3: SUPR0Abs64bitKernelSS
4: SUPR0Abs64bitKernelDS
5: SUPR0AbsKernelCS
6: SUPR0AbsKernelSS
7: SUPR0AbsKernelDS
8: SUPR0AbsKernelES
9: SUPR0AbsKernelFS
10: SUPR0AbsKernelGS
11: g_pSUPGlobalInfoPage
13: SUPReadTscWithDelta
14: SUPGetTscDeltaSlow
15: SUPGetCpuHzFromGipForAsyncMode
16: SUPIsTscFreqCompatible
17: SUPIsTscFreqCompatibleEx
18: SUPR0BadContext
19: SUPR0ComponentDeregisterFactory
20: SUPR0ComponentQueryFactory
21: SUPR0ComponentRegisterFactory
22: SUPR0ContAlloc
23: SUPR0ContFree
24: SUPR0ChangeCR4
25: SUPR0EnableVTx
26: SUPR0SuspendVTxOnCpu
27: SUPR0ResumeVTxOnCpu
28: SUPR0GetCurrentGdtRw
29: SUPR0GetKernelFeatures
30: SUPR0GetHwvirtMsrs
31: SUPR0GetPagingMode
32: SUPR0GetSvmUsability
33: SUPR0GetVTSupport
34: SUPR0GetVmxUsability
35: SUPR0LdrIsLockOwnerByMod
36: SUPR0LdrLock
37: SUPR0LdrUnlock
38: SUPR0LdrModByName
39: SUPR0LdrModRelease
40: SUPR0LdrModRetain
41: SUPR0LockMem
42: SUPR0LowAlloc
43: SUPR0LowFree
44: SUPR0MemAlloc
45: SUPR0MemFree
46: SUPR0MemGetPhys
47: SUPR0ObjAddRef
48: SUPR0ObjAddRefEx
49: SUPR0ObjRegister
50: SUPR0ObjRelease
51: SUPR0ObjVerifyAccess
52: SUPR0PageAllocEx
53: SUPR0PageFree
54: SUPR0PageMapKernel
55: SUPR0PageProtect
56: SUPR0PrintfV
57: SUPR0GetSessionGVM
58: SUPR0GetSessionVM
59: SUPR0SetSessionVM
60: SUPR0TscDeltaMeasureBySetIndex
61: SUPR0TracerDeregisterDrv
62: SUPR0TracerDeregisterImpl
63: SUPR0TracerFireProbe
64: SUPR0TracerRegisterDrv
65: SUPR0TracerRegisterImpl
66: SUPR0TracerRegisterModule
67: SUPR0TracerUmodProbeFire
68: SUPR0UnlockMem
69: SUPSemEventClose
70: SUPSemEventCreate
71: SUPSemEventGetResolution
72: SUPSemEventMultiClose
73: SUPSemEventMultiCreate
74: SUPSemEventMultiGetResolution
75: SUPSemEventMultiReset
76: SUPSemEventMultiSignal
77: SUPSemEventMultiWait
78: SUPSemEventMultiWaitNoResume
79: SUPSemEventMultiWaitNsAbsIntr
80: SUPSemEventMultiWaitNsRelIntr
81: SUPSemEventSignal
82: SUPSemEventWait
83: SUPSemEventWaitNoResume
84: SUPSemEventWaitNsAbsIntr
85: SUPSemEventWaitNsRelIntr
86: RTAssertAreQuiet
87: RTAssertMayPanic
88: RTAssertMsg1
89: RTAssertMsg2AddV
90: RTAssertMsg2V
91: RTAssertSetMayPanic
92: RTAssertSetQuiet
93: RTCrc32
94: RTCrc32Finish
95: RTCrc32Process
96: RTCrc32Start
97: RTErrConvertFromErrno
98: RTErrConvertToErrno
99: RTHandleTableAllocWithCtx
100: RTHandleTableCreate
101: RTHandleTableCreateEx
102: RTHandleTableDestroy
103: RTHandleTableFreeWithCtx
104: RTHandleTableLookupWithCtx
105: RTLogDefaultInstance
106: RTLogDefaultInstanceEx
107: RTLogGetDefaultInstance
108: RTLogGetDefaultInstanceEx
109: SUPR0GetDefaultLogInstanceEx
110: RTLogLoggerExV
111: RTLogPrintfV
112: RTLogRelGetDefaultInstance
113: RTLogRelGetDefaultInstanceEx
114: SUPR0GetDefaultLogRelInstanceEx
115: RTLogSetDefaultInstanceThread
116: RTMemAllocExTag
117: RTMemAllocTag
118: RTMemAllocVarTag
119: RTMemAllocZTag
120: RTMemAllocZVarTag
121: RTMemDupExTag
122: RTMemDupTag
123: RTMemFree
124: RTMemFreeEx
125: RTMemReallocTag
126: RTMpCpuId
127: RTMpCpuIdFromSetIndex
128: RTMpCpuIdToSetIndex
129: RTMpCurSetIndex
130: RTMpCurSetIndexAndId
131: RTMpGetArraySize
132: RTMpGetCount
133: RTMpGetMaxCpuId
134: RTMpGetOnlineCount
135: RTMpGetOnlineSet
136: RTMpGetSet
137: RTMpIsCpuOnline
138: RTMpIsCpuPossible
139: RTMpIsCpuWorkPending
140: RTMpNotificationDeregister
141: RTMpNotificationRegister
142: RTMpOnAll
143: RTMpOnOthers
144: RTMpOnSpecific
145: RTMpPokeCpu
146: RTNetIPv4AddDataChecksum
147: RTNetIPv4AddTCPChecksum
148: RTNetIPv4AddUDPChecksum
149: RTNetIPv4FinalizeChecksum
150: RTNetIPv4HdrChecksum
151: RTNetIPv4IsDHCPValid
152: RTNetIPv4IsHdrValid
153: RTNetIPv4IsTCPSizeValid
154: RTNetIPv4IsTCPValid
155: RTNetIPv4IsUDPSizeValid
156: RTNetIPv4IsUDPValid
157: RTNetIPv4PseudoChecksum
158: RTNetIPv4PseudoChecksumBits
159: RTNetIPv4TCPChecksum
160: RTNetIPv4UDPChecksum
161: RTNetIPv6PseudoChecksum
162: RTNetIPv6PseudoChecksumBits
163: RTNetIPv6PseudoChecksumEx
164: RTNetTCPChecksum
165: RTNetUDPChecksum
166: RTPowerNotificationDeregister
167: RTPowerNotificationRegister
168: RTProcSelf
169: RTR0AssertPanicSystem
170: RTR0MemAreKrnlAndUsrDifferent
171: RTR0MemKernelIsValidAddr
172: RTR0MemKernelCopyFrom
173: RTR0MemKernelCopyTo
174: RTR0MemObjAddress
175: RTR0MemObjAddressR3
176: RTR0MemObjAllocContTag
177: RTR0MemObjAllocLargeTag
178: RTR0MemObjAllocLowTag
179: RTR0MemObjAllocPageTag
180: RTR0MemObjAllocPhysExTag
181: RTR0MemObjAllocPhysNCTag
182: RTR0MemObjAllocPhysTag
183: RTR0MemObjEnterPhysTag
184: RTR0MemObjFree
185: RTR0MemObjGetPagePhysAddr
186: RTR0MemObjIsMapping
187: RTR0MemObjLockUserTag
188: RTR0MemObjLockKernelTag
189: RTR0MemObjMapKernelExTag
190: RTR0MemObjMapKernelTag
191: RTR0MemObjMapUserExTag
192: RTR0MemObjMapUserTag
193: RTR0MemObjProtect
194: RTR0MemObjSize
195: RTR0MemUserCopyFrom
196: RTR0MemUserCopyTo
197: RTR0MemUserIsValidAddr
198: RTR0ProcHandleSelf
199: RTSemEventCreate
200: RTSemEventDestroy
201: RTSemEventGetResolution
202: RTSemEventMultiCreate
203: RTSemEventMultiDestroy
204: RTSemEventMultiGetResolution
205: RTSemEventMultiReset
206: RTSemEventMultiSignal
207: RTSemEventMultiWait
208: RTSemEventMultiWaitEx
209: RTSemEventMultiWaitExDebug
210: RTSemEventMultiWaitNoResume
211: RTSemEventSignal
212: RTSemEventWait
213: RTSemEventWaitEx
214: RTSemEventWaitExDebug
215: RTSemEventWaitNoResume
216: RTSemFastMutexCreate
217: RTSemFastMutexDestroy
218: RTSemFastMutexRelease
219: RTSemFastMutexRequest
220: RTSemMutexCreate
221: RTSemMutexDestroy
222: RTSemMutexRelease
223: RTSemMutexRequest
224: RTSemMutexRequestDebug
225: RTSemMutexRequestNoResume
226: RTSemMutexRequestNoResumeDebug
227: RTSpinlockAcquire
228: RTSpinlockCreate
229: RTSpinlockDestroy
230: RTSpinlockRelease
231: RTStrCopy
232: RTStrDupTag
233: RTStrFormatNumber
234: RTStrFormatTypeDeregister
235: RTStrFormatTypeRegister
236: RTStrFormatTypeSetUser
237: RTStrFormatV
238: RTStrFree
239: RTStrNCmp
240: RTStrPrintfExV
241: RTStrPrintfV
242: RTThreadCreate
243: RTThreadCtxHookIsEnabled
244: RTThreadCtxHookCreate
245: RTThreadCtxHookDestroy
246: RTThreadCtxHookDisable
247: RTThreadCtxHookEnable
248: RTThreadGetName
249: RTThreadGetNative
250: RTThreadGetType
251: RTThreadIsInInterrupt
252: RTThreadNativeSelf
253: RTThreadPreemptDisable
254: RTThreadPreemptIsEnabled
255: RTThreadPreemptIsPending
256: RTThreadPreemptIsPendingTrusty
257: RTThreadPreemptIsPossible
258: RTThreadPreemptRestore
259: RTThreadSelf
260: RTThreadSelfName
261: RTThreadSleep
262: RTThreadUserReset
263: RTThreadUserSignal
264: RTThreadUserWait
265: RTThreadUserWaitNoResume
266: RTThreadWait
267: RTThreadWaitNoResume
268: RTThreadYield
269: RTTimeNow
270: RTTimerCanDoHighResolution
271: RTTimerChangeInterval
272: RTTimerCreate
273: RTTimerCreateEx
274: RTTimerDestroy
275: RTTimerGetSystemGranularity
276: RTTimerReleaseSystemGranularity
277: RTTimerRequestSystemGranularity
278: RTTimerStart
279: RTTimerStop
280: RTTimeSystemMilliTS
281: RTTimeSystemNanoTS
282: RTTimeMilliTS
283: RTTimeNanoTS
284: RTUuidCompare
285: RTUuidCompareStr
286: RTUuidFromStr
[b]VMMR0.r0 is importing SUPR0FpuBegin which we couldn't find

Operation failed: NS_ERROR_FAILURE
Error: failed to start machine. Error message: Failed to load R0 module /usr/local/lib/virtualbox/VMMR0.r0: Unable to locate imported symbol 'SUPR0FpuBegin' for module 'VMMR0.r0' (VERR_SYMBOL_NOT_FOUND).
Failed to load VMMR0.r0 (VERR_SYMBOL_NOT_FOUND)[/b]
Segmentation fault (core dumped

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Location: Germany

Re: After Update from VB 6.1.32_3 -> 6.1.36: Failed to load VMMR0.r0 / Core-Dump

Post by fth0 »

I don't know any details of VirtualBox on FreeBSD hosts, but the error message means that you're probably still using the VirtualBox kernel drivers of VirtualBox 6.1.32. On Linux hosts, sometimes a host reboot is necessary in case that some process is holding the old VirtualBox kernel driver. HTH.
Posts: 28
Joined: 31. Jul 2011, 14:26
Primary OS: FreeBSD
VBox Version: OSE other
Guest OSses: bisher: keine

Re: After Update from VB 6.1.32_3 -> 6.1.36: Failed to load VMMR0.r0 / Core-Dump

Post by testit »


thanks for your hints!

I guess this is the right direction but I wonder why

root@mail: kldunload -f vboxdrv
results in kldunload: can't unload file: Device busy

so that I am not able to kldload vboxdrv again.

Kind regards
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