Ubuntu VMs hang on startup, pause and resume kick starts

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Ubuntu VMs hang on startup, pause and resume kick starts

Post by FutureTense »

I’ve been having issues with my Ubuntu VMs hanging during boot sometimes.
Loading essential drivers
, etc.

I accidentally hit pause, and then hit resume and the OS started loading again. I modified my startup (auto login windows, Powershell script starts) to pause and resume each VM several times. It’s kind of hacky, but my VMs all start.

Any ideas on why pause and resume “fixes” this issue?
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Re: Ubuntu VMs hang on startup, pause and resume kick starts

Post by scottgus1 »

Without a log, not a clue. Post a log per the previously-given instructions in your other post viewtopic.php?f=6&t=104012&p=506419#p506419 and we'll see what we can do.
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Re: Ubuntu VMs hang on startup, pause and resume kick starts

Post by FutureTense »

scottgus1 wrote:Without a log, not a clue. Post a log per the previously-given instructions in your other post viewtopic.php?f=6&t=104012&p=506419#p506419 and we'll see what we can do.
To check this, please start the VM from full normal shutdown, not save-state. Run until you see the problem happen, then shut down the VM from within the VM's OS if possible. If not possible, close the Virtualbox window for the VM with the Power Off option set.
To be clear, you want me to:
  • start the VM “normally”
  • wait for the OS boot to hang (at which point take a SS)
  • Power off the VM
  • Zip up VBox.log and VBoxHardening.log
  • Attach log zip and SS to this thread
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Re: Ubuntu VMs hang on startup, pause and resume kick starts

Post by scottgus1 »

Looks good, except I don't know what you mean by 'SS':

start the VM “normally”
wait for the OS boot to hang (at which point pause and resume)
Power off the VM inside the VM OS, like a normal shutdown.
Zip up VBox.log and VBoxHardening.log
Attach log zip to this thread using the Upload Attachment tab.

If SS means 'snapshot', then no don't take a snapshot. No need of it according to the first post, where pause and resume are reported as the kickstart, and a snapshot can't be used away from its mother VM for anything, so it couldn't be used.
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