VirtualBox 7.1.5-166721 failed to install GuestAdditions

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VirtualBox 7.1.5-166721 failed to install GuestAdditions

Post by Simple07 »

Error when installing GuestAdditoins in Windows XP 32 bit on VirtualBox 7.1.5-166721, The same problem happened on the previous 7.1.5
Screenshot 2025-01-18 .png
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Last edited by Simple07 on 18. Jan 2025, 16:51, edited 1 time in total.
Oracle Corporation
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Re: VirtualBox 7.1.5-166721 failed to install GuestAdditions

Post by klaus »

Note that 7.1.5 isn't considered a Beta or Release Candidate, but your thinking in choosing is logical. Leaving it unchanged.

The 7.1.x Guest Additions until 7.1.5 have an issue with their code signatures which might explain the install failure (but it also might not... impossible to tell for sure without an installer log file). The fix for this is pending, and early next week there should be a new release published with the fix.

As an interim solution (if you're in a hurry) you could try installing the 7.0.23 Guest Additions which in my testing worked better (but don't ask me why, the signing should've been equally misconfigured.
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Re: VirtualBox 7.1.5-166721 failed to install GuestAdditions

Post by Simple07 »

Hi Klause,
I tried GuestAddition 7.0.23 revision 166686 and 7.1.97 revision 166815. Both gave the same error.
When this happens, I totally lose control of the mouse, the pointer would be in the middle of the screen, no movement and no clicks.
To recover, I press Alt + Ctrl, click on Devices -> Optical Drives -> Remove Disk from Virtual Drive.
Then, Devices -> Insert Guest Additions CD image... and use The Enter key to reinstall correct Guest Additions.
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Re: VirtualBox 7.1.5-166721 failed to install GuestAdditions

Post by multiOS »

Just to check, are you installing the Guest Additions in Windows XP Safe Mode? - Thi is a requirement for Windows XP Virtual Machines
Oracle Corporation
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Re: VirtualBox 7.1.5-166721 failed to install GuestAdditions

Post by klaus »

Please retry with 7.0.24 and 7.1.6 (due out very soon), without using Safe Mode. They contain a fix for the unfortunately rather long unnoticed missing certificate in the code signatures which is responsible for letting older Windows versions trust them.

The earlier test builds do not have the fix because it was applied after the work on the release process was started.
Oracle Corporation
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Re: VirtualBox 7.1.5-166721 failed to install GuestAdditions

Post by klaus »

The mentioned 7.1.6 and 7.0.24 releases are available now.
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Re: VirtualBox 7.1.5-166721 failed to install GuestAdditions

Post by Simple07 »

Tried Guest Additions 7.0.24 and it worked fine, then I wanted to uninstall it, but I could not. I tried many tricks using different versions of VirtualBox engine but could not.
So, I installed VirtualBox-7.1.6-167084-Win.exe and Guest Additions 7.1.6 and it is working but I am unable to uninstall both 7.0.24 and 7.1.6 of the Guest Additions.
Clipboard_01-21-2025_02.jpg (149.66 KiB) Viewed 13509 times
I then installed Guest Additions 7.1.4 (which took much longer than the other two to install), which automatically removed 7.1.6.
I was only able to uninstall Guest Additions 7.0.24 after uninstalling VirtualBox-7.1.6-167084-Win.exe and installing VirtualBox-7.0.22-165102-Win.exe then installing Guest Additions 7.0.22 (which removed 7.0.24) then uninstalling Guest Additions 7.0.22, in preparation to removing VirtualBox-7.0.22-165102-Win.exe and reinstalling VirtualBox-7.1.6-167084-Win.exe.

Basically, VirtualBox version 7.0.xx remove GA 7.0.xx and VirtualBox 7.1.xx remove GA 7.0.xx. This was not the case previously, as I recall.
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Re: VirtualBox 7.1.5-166721 failed to install GuestAdditions

Post by FranceBB »

Finally someone else besides me reporting the issue with the Windows XP guest additions!
It's been broken for a while, however I don't quite understand how you managed to install 7.1.6 'cause when I tried to install it, it was still broken.
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Re: VirtualBox 7.1.5-166721 failed to install GuestAdditions

Post by Simple07 »

The Guest Additions problems is not only on Windows XP, but also on Windows 11. Usually, Windows 7 seem to exhibit the least problems!!

I tried Guest Additions 7.0.24 on VirtualBox-7.1.5-166721-Win.exe before upgrading to VirtualBox-7.1.6-167084-Win.exe, because Klaus asked me to try it. He may have wanted to ensure that the root of the problems is dealt with, and I thought I will oblige.

Drawing on my previous experience in Best Business Practice management field, I’d like to share a thought in my later years, though I aim to do so without appearing boastful or imposing; especially that Oracle was a main competitor! I noticed that something has gone wrong with the testing processes a couple of years back, when some members died or left the company. VirtualBox may need:
1 More Resources.
2 Review of Development and Testing Procedures and Processes.

By the way, try installing VirtualBox-7.1.6-167084-Win.exe as Administrator. I explained the effect on Drag 'n' Drop from Guest to Host and vice versa, as well as touchpad two finger scrolling on VMware Workstation in an older post.
Harold Hare
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Re: VirtualBox 7.1.5-166721 failed to install GuestAdditions

Post by Harold Hare »


I have had the same problem, but with Windows 7 and 8.1. The last successful installation was 7.1.5r165916. I was hopeful that this would be fixed in the official release of 7.1.6 (7.1.6r167084), but unfortunately not. I used to get the Windows dialogue saying "unsigned ... do you want to proceed anyway?" but now it doesn't give me that option and just fails with "ERROR_AUTHENTICODE_TRUST_NOT_ESTABLISHED (-536870334 / 0xe0000242". So it would seem that this is not fixed in 7.1.6.
Oracle Corporation
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Re: VirtualBox 7.1.5-166721 failed to install GuestAdditions

Post by klaus »

Are we still talking about Guest Additions? Because the 7.1.6 ones have a fix (not present in 7.1.5 because the relatively long standing issue was found very shortly before the 7.1.6 build) in the signing area which should restore compatibility with older Windows versions.
Harold Hare
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Re: VirtualBox 7.1.5-166721 failed to install GuestAdditions

Post by Harold Hare »

Yes, Guest Additions. I also tried 7.1.7r167129 but still no luck. However, both did install on Windows 10.
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Re: VirtualBox 7.1.5-166721 failed to install GuestAdditions

Post by frg »

Gust addtions 7.0.23 and 7.1.5 broke at the same time for older Windows versions. Tried 7 and 8.1. Carried over to 7.0.24 and 7.1.6. Error log here:
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Re: VirtualBox 7.1.5-166721 failed to install GuestAdditions

Post by Simple07 »

VBoxGuestAdditions_7.1.7-167177.iso works, but I had to install it, remove it, and reinstall it for the guest resizing to work.
Also, it seems to take half the time of 7.1.4 to install, in spite of being bigger!?
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Re: VirtualBox 7.1.5-166721 failed to install GuestAdditions

Post by frg »

Still fails for me with the ERROR_AUTHENTICODE_TRUST_NOT_ESTABLISHED in a Windows 7 x64 guest. Host was still 7.0.23 but it should not matter for the installation only.

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