I'm facing a weird blocking issue with virtual box which was setup with Ubuntu 24 arm OS, which until a couple of days ago was working but as of now each time I start the virtualized OS I get a meditating guru image and this error:
Code: Select all
A critical error has occurred while running the virtual machine and the machine execution has been stopped.
For help, please see the Community section on REMOVED or your support contract. Please provide the contents of the log file VBox.log and the image file VBox.png, which you can find in the $PATHTOLOGS Logs directory, as well as a description of what you were doing when this error happened. Note that you can also access the above files by selecting Show Log from the Machine menu of the main VirtualBox window.
Press OK if you want to power off the machine or press Ignore if you want to leave it as is for debugging. Please note that debugging requires special knowledge and tools, so it is recommended to press OK now.
The last time I got the VM runing I ssh'd into it and that broke it, after that I started to get this item upon boot.
Please find attached the logs and screengrab of the meditating guru error.
Here are the spes of my Mac
Chip: Apple M4
Memory: 24 GB
MacOS: Sequoia 15.1
HardDrive: 1TB SSD
Any advice on how to olve this would be appreciated, thanks for reading.
If any additional information/log is needed please let me know.