How to set guest display size to 1920x1080

Discussions about using Windows guests in VirtualBox.
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Joined: 12. Jan 2025, 02:46

How to set guest display size to 1920x1080

Post by D3KLON »


I am using a windows 7 pro guest with windows 11 host. I am trying to set my guest display with no luck. I have done everything Google told me to do. I also need to know how to make a virtual cd. I make it and put the stuff on it and it comes out as 0mb in space.

Posts: 173
Joined: 20. May 2017, 05:07
Primary OS: Fedora other
VBox Version: OSE Fedora
Guest OSses: Windows XP x86

Re: How to set guest display size to 1920x1080

Post by FranceBB »

First of all, you need to install the guest additions, so make sure that they're installed in the guest, 'cause otherwise this is not gonna work.
To install the guest additions, start the Win7 guest, then in the toolbar of the VM at the top go to "Devices" and select "Insert Guest Additions CD Image".
Once inserted, go to Computer in the Win7 VM and you're gonna find an exe, click on it and the installation process will begin.
Follow it until the end and then reboot.

In the Virtualbox GUI on the host go to file -> preferences -> display and set it like this:
Screenshot from 2025-01-13 21-54-35.png
Screenshot from 2025-01-13 21-54-35.png (33.21 KiB) Viewed 1043 times
Once the guest has rebooted, while the VM is running, open the command line on the host and use this:

Code: Select all

vboxmanage controlvm "Win7" setvideomodehint 1920 1080 32
You should replace "Win7" with the actual name of your VM.
Anyway, if none of this works, then I'm not sure, but up until this point this has always worked for all my VMs.
Posts: 2
Joined: 12. Jan 2025, 02:46

Re: How to set guest display size to 1920x1080

Post by D3KLON »


I managed to get it to work. Thanks!
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