Building manual fails since Virtualbox 7.1.0.

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Joined: 3. Jan 2013, 04:00
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Building manual fails since Virtualbox 7.1.0.

Post by atshaw »


Build of Virtualbox 7.1.x fails on 'doc/manual/Makefile.kmk' step with the following error :

Code: Select all

kmk: *** Exiting with status 2
kBuild: Building /var/tmp/VirtualBox-7.1.4/out/linux.amd64/release/obj/manual/en_US/UserManual.pdf (/var/tmp/VirtualBox-7.1.4/out/linux.amd64/release/obj/manual/en_US/UserManual_pdf.log)
Erreur : impossible de trouver ou de charger la classe principale
Causé par : java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:
kmk: *** [/var/tmp/VirtualBox-7.1.4/doc/manual/Makefile.kmk:912: /var/tmp/VirtualBox-7.1.4/out/linux.amd64/release/obj/manual/en_US/UserManual.pdf] Error 1
This is because the ANT_HOME is set to VBOX_DITA_OT_PATH, but VBOX_DITA_OT_PATH doesn't exists on the filesystem.

Here are steps to solve this :
  • create the directory <sources_dir>/tools/common/dita-ot,
  • download the latest version of dita-ot from here and extract the archive content into the <sources_dir>/tools/common/dita-ot directory,
  • rename the extracted folder from dita-ot-x.y.z to vx.y.z where x.y.z is the dita-ot version,
  • restart the build.
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