Host Win10 Guest Win98 Lego Cybermaster Software

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Host Win10 Guest Win98 Lego Cybermaster Software

Post by RetroCyber »


wollte mal wieder mein Lego Cybermaster (Roboter) zum laufen bringen.
Die Software dazu läuft nur auf Windows 98.
Ferngesteuert mit Funkverbindung 27Mhz Tower der über RS232 an PC angeschlossen wird.
Hab mir für meinen Rechner mit Windows 10 eine PCIe Serielle Karte AX99100 eingebaut.
Mit VirtualBox Windows 98 visualisiert. Lego Cybermastersoftware sagt der Tower kann
keine Signale von der mobilen Einheit empfangen.
Über Bricxcc (Software zum direkt Programmieren) das auf Windows 10 läuft,
funktioniert die Funkverbindung.
Bricxcc in Windows 98/Virtualbox keine Verbindung aber mit
Bricxcc in Windows98/VMware Workstation 17 Player funktioniert es wie in Windows 10.

Vielen Dank und Freundliche Grüße
Zugiffsverletzung Bricx CC.PNG
Zugiffsverletzung Bricx CC.PNG (26.5 KiB) Viewed 9971 times
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VBox Version: VirtualBox+Oracle ExtPack
Guest OSses: Windows, Linux

Re: Host Win10 Guest Win98 Lego Cybermaster Software

Post by scottgus1 »

Please provide these items:

1. Right-click the VM in the main Virtualbox window's VM list, choose Show in Explorer/Finder/File Manager. Zip the VM's .vbox file (not the .vbox-prev file), and post the zip file, using the forum's Attachments tab. (Configure your host OS to show all extensions if the folder that opens does not show a .vbox file.)

2. Start the VM from full normal shutdown, not save-state. Run until you see the problem happen, then shut down the VM from within the VM's OS if possible. If not possible, close the Virtualbox window for the VM with the Power Off option set.

Right-click the VM in the main Virtualbox window's VM list, choose Show in Explorer/Finder/File Manager. In the "Logs" subfolder, zip the VM's "vbox.log", and post the zip file, using the forum's Attachments tab. (Configure your host OS to show all extensions so you can find the "vbox.log", not "vbox.log.1", etc.)
Posts: 3
Joined: 31. Jul 2023, 16:31

Re: Host Win10 Guest Win98 Lego Cybermaster Software

Post by RetroCyber »

Log Datei im Anhang
Windows 98.7z
(3.16 KiB) Downloaded 733 times
Site Moderator
Posts: 20945
Joined: 30. Dec 2009, 20:14
Primary OS: MS Windows 10
VBox Version: VirtualBox+Oracle ExtPack
Guest OSses: Windows, Linux

Re: Host Win10 Guest Win98 Lego Cybermaster Software

Post by scottgus1 »

scottgus1 wrote: 31. Jul 2023, 17:44 2. Start the VM from full normal shutdown, not save-state. Run until you see the problem happen, then shut down the VM from within the VM's OS if possible. If not possible, close the Virtualbox window for the VM with the Power Off option set.

Right-click the VM in the main Virtualbox window's VM list, choose Show in Explorer/Finder/File Manager. In the "Logs" subfolder, zip the VM's "vbox.log", and post the zip file, using the forum's Attachments tab. (Configure your host OS to show all extensions so you can find the "vbox.log", not "vbox.log.1", etc.)
Posts: 3
Joined: 31. Jul 2023, 16:31

Re: Host Win10 Guest Win98 Lego Cybermaster Software

Post by RetroCyber »

Im Anhang das VBox Log
(26.31 KiB) Downloaded 142 times
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