Unable to mount VBox_GAs_7.1.0

Discussions about using Linux guests in VirtualBox.
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Joined: 24. Sep 2024, 11:53

Unable to mount VBox_GAs_7.1.0

Post by JulienGre »

Dear community,

I recently downloaded and installed the new version of VBox 7.1.0. My host system is a windows and I am running a Linux Mint virtual machine. When I turn on the virtual machine, I cannot see anymore the guest additions on the desk. When I go to 'Device', I can find the image disk VBox_GAs_7.1.0, but double clicking on it sends this error message : Error mounting /dev/sr0 at/media/julien/VBox_GAs_7.1.0: unknow filesystem type 'iso9660'.

If I understood well, the guest additions are installed directly with the new version of VBox 7.1.0. On my windows host system, I am in fact able to see the file VBoxGuestAdditions in C:/.../Oracle/VirtualBox. So I think it was well installed.

In the virtual machine settings, I have selected VBoxGuestAdditions.iso as secondary IDE. I think this what I should do.
I precise that I was using this virtual machine before the update to VBox 7.1.0 and my previous guest additions were working fine.

Any ideas to help me to get these guest additions working with VBox 7.1.0 ?

Thank you very much for the help !

Posts: 1262
Joined: 14. Sep 2019, 16:51
Primary OS: Mac OS X other
VBox Version: VirtualBox+Oracle ExtPack
Guest OSses: Windows, Linux, BSD
Location: United Kingdom

Re: Unable to mount VBox_GAs_7.1.0

Post by multiOS »

In the Devices drop-down Menu use the "Insert Guest Additions CD image..." near the Botton of the list of options.
Posts: 2
Joined: 24. Sep 2024, 11:53

Re: Unable to mount VBox_GAs_7.1.0

Post by JulienGre »

Thanks multiOS, but of course I tested this simple solution and it does not solve the problem.
Clicking on "Insert Guest Additions CD image" does nothing in my case...

Posts: 18
Joined: 16. Feb 2021, 20:54

Re: Unable to mount VBox_GAs_7.1.0

Post by FX8370core »

I am pretty sure the guest additions are present when you use "Insert Guest Additions CD image", but you might not see it on the desktop of the VM. You will have to use the console to install it. And you can confirm that you see the GA in the VBox manager? If this is the case, open a terminal and enter the following commands:

Code: Select all

~ sudo su
# ls -la /media					# Make sure you have an cdrom or cdrom0 entry. If not create it with #mkdir /media/cdrom(0)
# mount /dev/sr0 /media/cdrom 			# Or use cdrom0 instead
# cd /media/cdrom
# ./VBoxLinuxAdditions.run
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