Shared folders Linux-macOS

Discussions about using Mac OS X guests (on Apple hardware) in VirtualBox.
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Joined: 5. Mar 2022, 16:48

Shared folders Linux-macOS

Post by Data2006 »


I hope you can help me.
I have Linux as host. Then in Virtual Box 7.0.20 I have a guest macOS Mojave, among other things. I have set up a shared folder under the host.

Unfortunately, I now have no access to the shared folder in the guest.

Am I doing something wrong?

Best regards
Posts: 781
Joined: 3. Mar 2015, 07:27
Primary OS: Mac OS X other
VBox Version: OSE other
Guest OSses: Linux, macOS, Windows

Re: Shared folders Linux-macOS

Post by granada29 »

Unless you are running Linux on Apple hardware we're unable to help you.

See Mac OS guests on non-Apple hardware

If you are using a Mac then please post a compressed VBox.log of a VM sessions starting from a fully shutdown state and then shutdown (not saved) when the problem happens.
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