MacOS X Mountain Lion not working!

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MacOS X Mountain Lion not working!

Post by KalelTonatiuh »

I downloaded a .dmg file of MacOS X Mountain Lion and everytime I try to use it starts it then says "Could not read from the boot medium! Please insert a bootable medium and reboot." Is the .dmg not suitable for this version or do i need to import an iso and a dmg or do i need to allocate more storage? Currently I'm allocating about 7400 MB and I'm using MacOS Sonoma.
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Re: MacOS X Mountain Lion not working!

Post by granada29 »

The .dmg is not, as you have found, a bootable image. You will need to create a bootable installer (an iso file) from the Installer application in the .dmg file.

This process is described in [HowTo] Create OSX ISO from the OSX Install app

EDIT: Installing and configuring macOS guests is covered in Mac OS X Guests. Hopefully a moderator will come along and move this topic into that forum.
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