VB 7.0.10 | Debian 12 | HP Microserver Gen 8 - Nichts gehts mehr

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VB 7.0.10 | Debian 12 | HP Microserver Gen 8 - Nichts gehts mehr

Post by itoss »

Moin, ich versuche seit über einer Woche Virtualbox 7.0.10 auf einem Debian 12 / HP Microserver Gen 8 zum laufen zu bekommen. Ich habe ALLES !!! ( reinstall from source/deb package, reinstall verschiedener extention packs, ALLE ! Konfigurationskombinationen und alles was man sonst noch im Netz findet ) versucht und es will absolut nicht laufen. Als Fehler bekomme ich eine nichtssagende Nachricht ( s.u. ) und Debian 12 gibt es keinen syslog mehr und die Logs der VMs zeigen auch keine Fehler. Ich weis nicht mehr weiter und verzweifle hier gerade, Webserver, Gateways Cloud etc nichts läuft mehr seit über einer Woche weil dies verdammte virtualbox nicht laufen will *grml

Um den Fehler einzugrenzen habe ich exat identische Installationen auf dem HP Microserver und einer TestVM gemacht. In der VM läuft virtualbox 7.0.10 auf Debian 12, auf dem Nativen HP Microserver dagegen nicht. Ich verstehe es nicht und verliere langsam die Geduld mit virtualbox. Seit 10 Jahre nutze ich VB und es gab nie so krasse Probleme ohne irgendwelche Fehler in den logs - ist VB 7.0 inkompatibel mit ECC RAM oder sonstiger server hardware. Warum zum Henker läuft VB 7 in der VM und nicht mehr auf dem VÖLLIG IDENTISCHEN Server. VB 6.1 auf der alter debian 10 installation läuft auch ohne Probleme, damit dürfte es kein Hardware schaden sein.

Bitte helft mir ich weis nicht mehr was ich noch tun kann.

mod edit: link removed

vbox treiber install ohne fehler :

Code: Select all

root@080-ngNAS-Storage:/var/log# /sbin/vboxconfig
vboxdrv.sh: Stopping VirtualBox services.
vboxdrv.sh: Starting VirtualBox services.
vboxdrv.sh: Building VirtualBox kernel modules.

Code: Select all

lsmod | grep vbox
vboxnetadp             28672  0
vboxnetflt             32768  0
vboxdrv               602112  2 vboxnetadp,vboxnetflt
Last edited by scottgus1 on 13. Aug 2023, 17:58, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: removed expletive-containing image
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Re: VB 7.0.10 | Debian 12 | HP Microserver Gen 8 - Nichts gehts mehr

Post by scottgus1 »

The name of the VM in your error message image is entirely inappropriate. Official warning: Refrain from using such language on this forum.

The low-content "VM aborted" message in the image happens, if I remember correctly, when Virtualbox did not install correctly on the host. Possibly because the Linux host had its own fork of Virtualbox installed, and the fork needs to be purged before Official Virtualbox can be installed. Also possibly because the Linux host prerequisites weren't completed first.

Purge all Virtualbox files from the host (you can keep your VMs and the global configuration folder in "$HOME/.config/VirtualBox"). Then reboot the host, run the prerequisites, and install Virtualbox from https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Linux_Downloads.

Life tip: Asking for help before getting so angry that blood vessels are close to bursting and expletives overflow is better for a more peaceful, happier, longer life.
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Re: VB 7.0.10 | Debian 12 | HP Microserver Gen 8 - Nichts gehts mehr

Post by itoss »

"The low-content "VM aborted" message in the image happens, if I remember correctly, when Virtualbox did not install correctly on the host."

Ok You Think its a software Problem ?! But Why does VBox work correctly on host installed in a VM and EXACTLY the same installation with EXACTLY the same Packets and Version worls not on native Host ?

I tried installing from repos, from downloaded file, reinstalled several times EVERYTHING ( virtualbox, extensionpacks, debian 12 )
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Re: VB 7.0.10 | Debian 12 | HP Microserver Gen 8 - Nichts gehts mehr

Post by scottgus1 »

itoss wrote: 13. Aug 2023, 18:51 Ok You Think its a software Problem ?! But Why does VBox work correctly on host installed in a VM and EXACTLY the same installation with EXACTLY the same Packets and Version worls not on native Host ?
Good question. Bad bit somewhere? Some aspects of the physical PC don't make it into the Virtualbox VM, so the environments are not identical.
itoss wrote: 13. Aug 2023, 18:51 I tried installing from repos, from downloaded file, reinstalled several times EVERYTHING
I haven't read any references in your list of activity indicating that you:
scottgus1 wrote: 13. Aug 2023, 18:05 Purge all Virtualbox files from the host ... Then reboot the host, run the prerequisites, and install Virtualbox from https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Linux_Downloads.
Please try again, taking careful notes of what you do, then report exactly what you did when you post back.
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Re: VB 7.0.10 | Debian 12 | HP Microserver Gen 8 - Nichts gehts mehr

Post by itoss »

I was wondering that my old working D10 VB6.1.32 installation now can run only 32 bit VMs. This was definitly a new issue and was not a software fail. I disabled all "Multi Features" like VT-X, Hyperthreading etc. Then i booted my D10 System: check VM boot - only 32bit. same like before disabling VT-X etc. Then i enanbled the "Multi Features" start the D10 Installation and it works without error.

Now i boot the new D12 VB7.0.10 Installation. phpVirtualbox does not work ( does matter just now ) and the VBox GUI do not start via ssh (ssh -X vboy@host virtualbox). Remove VB 7.0.10. ,search all configs ( updatedb && locate virtual ) and delete them and install virtualbox 6.1.46. I was very surprised that everthing exept phpvirtualbox-7 or phpvirtualbox-6 works. VB GUI works with any errors and the system/vms runs stable the last 12 hours. But phpvirtualbox does not work ( i can see the VM but cant manage them ).

now i do "ever save a running system" ( dd backup ), of the working system before i try the VB7 Installation again on the D12 System. The VB7.0.10 would run now too when VB6.1.46 runs . Checking after backup.

This is a really strange issue. I check all the server hardware ( all disks, all ram modules, bios selftest and even a bios update ) but nothing changes - all errors are still present. When i disable all VT-X, Hyperthreading etc. Features, boot the system, restore VT-X configs in BIOS it works. Very very mysterious ... seems there was a broken config bit in the VT-X CPU/BIOS configs or anything like that.

I hope this was the error and VB7 and phpVB7 works now. m curious about the installation after backup.
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Re: VB 7.0.10 | Debian 12 | HP Microserver Gen 8 - Nichts gehts mehr

Post by itoss »

Looks like that was the error, Virtualbox 7.0.10 and phpvirtualbox-7.0 works fine on debian 12.
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Re: VB 7.0.10 | Debian 12 | HP Microserver Gen 8 - Nichts gehts mehr

Post by scottgus1 »

FWIW VT-x is required for Virtualbox. (5.2 was the last version that didn't require it, if I remember correctly.) Hyperthreading does help a bit for host processing speed.

Though I cannot understand entirely what you did, and I don't see a "first I uninstalled Virtualbox and rebooted, then I ran this command to handle the prerequisites xxxxxx then I installed virtualbox.org's Debian Virtualbox package" list of the exact things you did, it appears that between the reconfiguring and finagling you got whatever was wrong knocked loose.

Glad you're up and running!
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Re: VB 7.0.10 | Debian 12 | HP Microserver Gen 8 - Nichts gehts mehr

Post by itoss »

i did the following steps

1. boot the Host Debian 10 VM ( everything works fine in the past )
2. check the Debian 10 phpvirtualbox and virtualbox via "ssh -X vbox@host virtualbox"
3. Result : 32 bit VMs are working, 64 bit does not working, VT-X is shown as activated in the phpvbox interface
=> 2-3 days before the Debian 10 installation works without errors. Debian 10 System was not mounted since the last working boot
==> seems the error is NOT in the OS software or any other runnung software on the OS.
According to this information there is a hardware or hardware config error

4. Disable all features ( even if they wouldn' t have any effekt to the VT-X commands ) of ALL multiuse hardware - including hyperthreading ( just create a minimal error bios config )
5. Start the Debian 10 Installation again and looking for a working virtualbox 6.1.32
=> 32 bit works, 64 does not work, BUT!!! : now there is a message VT-X not available. - Everthing OK
6. Enable the disabled VT-X and other features again
7. Start the Debian 10 Installation again and looking for a working virtualbox 6.1.32
=> 32 and 64 bit VMs works

Now i can ensure correct working hardware.

8. Start the Debian 12 Installation using VBox 7.0.10 and phpVbox 7.0.10
9. check php webinterface => fail
10 check virtualbox GUI via ssh -X vbox@host virtualbox => GUI does not start, no error message anywhere ( GUI/system/VMLog)
11 remove VBox 7.0.10 ( apt purge virtualbox* && updatedb && locate virtual # remove all remaining files and configs ) except phpVB7.0
12 install phpvirtualbox 6.1 including extentions
13 start VBox GUI via ssh -X vbox@host virtualbox
=> everthing works fine 32 and 64 VMs , create, delete, import, export, register etc
14 reboot into D10 installation an backup D12 installation via dd
15 reboot into D12 installation
16 remove virtualbox 6.1.46 completely from system (deinstall via apt and remaining files)
17 install virtualbox-7.0 from virtualbox sources located in sources list
18 start VBox GUI via ssh -X vbox@host virtualbox
=> everthing works
19 check phpvirtualbox-7 webinterface
=> everthing works
20 Final reboot to check if really everthing works
=> mysql server does not start (Aug 14 13:29:33 080-ngNAS-Storage systemd[1]: mariadb.service: Failed with result 'signal'.
21 remove entire mysql server, client and configs from system
22 reinstall mysql/mariadb server cleint and phpmyadmin
23 start mysql server and apache
24 => works
25 Final reboot check again
=> System boot with out any errors, autostarting VMs works, virtualbox GUI and phpVirtualbox works.

very mysterious ... i do this procedure about 20 times and more and it never works correctly. The VT-X flag was always marked as activated in the CPU specs (cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep vmx)

I think the error was caused by the fact, that the VT-X feature was enabled for the OS, so the OS and its components install thee VT-X features. But the Hardware does response the VT-X commands and then thre was the "null-info-error-message".

If i had know this before ...

Now i have some questions:

1. Is it possible that some broken bits in the VT-X config/register shows the OS active VT-X features even if they are disabled ?
2. Is it possible that the VM virtualization options ( default, none, legacy, Hyper-V, KVM ) changes any BIOS configuration or hardware settings ?

I really want to know whats this error causes, because its a very special error found by one over a week try and error.

Debain 12 Vbox 7.0.10 phpVbox 7.0 Install Guide => https://speefak.spdns.de/oss_lifestyle/ ... irtualbox/
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Re: VB 7.0.10 | Debian 12 | HP Microserver Gen 8 - Nichts gehts mehr

Post by itoss »

Lösung => https://speefak.spdns.de/oss_lifestyle/ ... error-faq/

VT-d auf HP Servers komplett deaktivieren, alles Andere funktioniert nicht fehlerfrei ( DMAR Errors im dmesg Log uvm. )
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Re: VB 7.0.10 | Debian 12 | HP Microserver Gen 8 - Nichts gehts mehr

Post by scottgus1 »

FWIW Virtualbox doesn't use VT-d. So enabling or disabling that setting shouldn't affect Virtualbox.

Is your Virtualbox running well now?
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