Needing to put five network interfaces on VirtualBox 7.0

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Needing to put five network interfaces on VirtualBox 7.0

Post by jnascimento »

Recently I start some labs to test FortiOS and the problem I had is because I need to setup five network interfaces for the FortiOS 7.2.4, but the VirtualBox is is limiting to a four network interfaces only when I create a new VM. Please can someone let me know if there is a way to extend this limit in four network interfaces? If is it possible, how to do this?
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Joined: 30. Dec 2009, 20:14
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VBox Version: VirtualBox+Oracle ExtPack
Guest OSses: Windows, Linux

Re: Needing to put five network interfaces on VirtualBox 7.0

Post by scottgus1 »

The command line allows access to the 5th - 8th adapters.

See the networking section in the manual for various command lines for the different networking types. Also see "Networking Settings" under ... e-modifyvm

Also, please describe the setup you're trying to achieve. It could be you don't need 5 adapters, and something built into Virtualbox may make things easier.
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