Hi. I have the same problem with VirtualBox 2.0.2, on Ubuntu Hardy.
When I start a Windows XP virtual machine, the system comes to a complete halt - BOTH the Ubuntu host and WinXP guest. Nothing happens on the screen, nothing happens in general unless I move the mouse. When I stop moving the mouse, everything stops again. So basically the system is unusable until I quit VirtualBox.
This does not happen every time, but more often than not. I did not have this problem with the VirtualBox OSE version available in the Ubuntu Hardy repositories.
Random system details below. Could you XION maybe take a look at these details and check if there is maybe something common with your setup so the cause could be tracked. Should I make a real bug report somewhere?
- VirtualBox: 2.0.2 closed source edition (taken from virtualbox home page)
- Host OS: Ubuntu Hardy Heron 8.04 32bit.
- Host OS kernel: 2.6.24-21-generic (from hardy proposed repositories maybe)
- Guest OS: Windows XP Pro SP2, latest Guest additions installed (virtual machine was created with VirtualBox OSE 1.5, and updated by the current virtualbox installer)
- Machine: Acer Ferrari 4000 laptop (ATI graphics, AMD Turion64 processor) (at boot time there has always been a message like "BIOS bug: Timer not connected to IO-APIC", I wonder if it could have something to do with this)
- Compiz is installed but not in use.
- I have two mouse devices (wireless and wired, both USB)
- Latest EnvyNG ATI proprietary graphics drivers installed
- I have an external LCD screen in clone mode connected via DVI
EDIT: maybe this topic should go to the Linux hosts -area, because this also affects the host system?
EDIT2: just clearing out that sometimes the problem stays even after the virtual machine is stopped, requiring a boot
EDIT3: I created a bug report: