Full-screen-app support coming in Mac OS X Lion

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Full-screen-app support coming in Mac OS X Lion

Post by mpetroo »

It would be nice if a new feature of Mac OS X 10.7 Lion, the Full-Screen-Apps, will be also supported in further versions of VirtualBox. When someone switch to a full-screen, the application should create a new space, like it is realized in the native Lion applications. The current version of VirtualBox (4.0.4) works in usual way, as it just transfer the display to the full screen view and do not change the "space". I know that the OS X 10.7 is currently in beta but hope that VirtualBox will support new OS features soon.
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Re: Full-screen-app support coming in Mac OS X Lion

Post by jfe »

I agree. When is this going to happen?
Posts: 7639
Joined: 7. Jun 2007, 21:53

Re: Full-screen-app support coming in Mac OS X Lion

Post by stefan.becker »

When its developed and ready for use.

You wont find timelines in this forum.
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