VirtualBox crashes after upgrading to macOS Catalina (#18990)

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Re: VirtualBox crashes after upgrading to macOS Catalina (#18990)

Post by socratis »

I have a feeling that this thread will attract ALL crashes with 10.15. This thread started as a specific problem, and that problem has been addressed with 6.0.14, therefore locking the thread.

I might split a couple of posts, but that's the end of life for this thread...
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Re: VirtualBox crashes after upgrading to macOS Catalina (#18990)

Post by Bigmoth »

Had these issues in Catalina. As dirty fix, downgraded to v5.2.34. App and all VMs work OK...
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Re: VirtualBox crashes after upgrading to macOS Catalina (#18990)

Post by danardi »

Solve with downgrading to Mojave.
Schermata 2019-10-19 alle 14.48.06 copia.jpg
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Too many problems with Catalina for my work
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Re: VirtualBox crashes after upgrading to macOS Catalina (#18990)

Post by macandroid »

Here no problems.

I have a MBP 2018 and had Mojave 14 and VB 6.12 on it, and read first this topic before upgrading to Catalina. I first upgraded VB to 6.14 and then upgraded macOS to Catalina. After upgrading macOS VB ran flawlessly using a Win10 1903 guest and Ubuntu 18.04 LTS guest.

During (only the first) startup of VB macOS prompted with 'allow VB access to Documents and Downloads folder ?' which I consented, so shared folders worked as well. This is normal behavior of security infested Catalina, which is only an annoyance in the first time.

I did not need to change anything in the macOS settings other than this.
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Re: VirtualBox crashes after upgrading to macOS Catalina (#18990)

Post by socratis »

Right. But you're running 6.0.14. So, it's a different issue. See my previous post.

As I said... a crash is not the same as another crash.
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Re: VirtualBox crashes after upgrading to macOS Catalina (#18990)

Post by danardi »

May be, but it come out after upgrade to catalina.. :roll:
Last edited by socratis on 18. Oct 2019, 14:25, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: Removed unnecessary verbatim quote of the whole previous message.
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Re: VirtualBox crashes after upgrading to macOS Catalina (#18990)

Post by socratis »

Just because you have a crash, it doesn't make it the same crash!

Please open a new thread. Don't forget that we prefer ZIPPED text files, compared to chopped, more difficult, less convenient, bigger size, not-searchable and not-quotable image... ;)
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Re: VirtualBox crashes after upgrading to macOS Catalina (#18990)

Post by danardi »

I still have the same problem with macOS_10.15+VBox_6.0.14 :?
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Re: VirtualBox crashes after upgrading to macOS Catalina (#18990)

Post by socratis »

SandyCyber wrote:and remove the line
In order to remove the workaround, as it's been stated previously is to run the same command, but with no "0" value:
    VBoxManage setextradata global "GUI/HidLedsSync"
And once again, the generic "setextradata" command follows the pattern:
    VBoxManage setextradata global "<Token>" "<Value>"
If the "<Value>" is empty/non-existent, the "<Token>" gets removed, back to the defaults.
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Re: VirtualBox crashes after upgrading to macOS Catalina (#18990)

Post by SandyCyber »

socratis wrote:Please do what everybody else is doing since yesterday, upgrade to 6.0.14, don't use the workaround.
Will do Socratis, I will upgrade to 6.0.14 and remove the line. Thank You!
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Re: VirtualBox crashes after upgrading to macOS Catalina (#18990)

Post by socratis »

SandyCyber wrote: i used the "VBoxManage setextradata global GUI/HidLedsSync 0" . work around and it works
Please do what everybody else is doing since yesterday, upgrade to 6.0.14, don't use the workaround.

Bill66912 wrote:selecting "check for updates" through the Virtualbox app itself responded with "you are running the latest package".
The "update available" flag on the servers isn't set automatically when there's a new release. It's only set (manually) by the developers when they are confident that a new release won't be a bag full of worms... ;)
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Re: VirtualBox crashes after upgrading to macOS Catalina (#18990)

Post by Bill66912 »

After upgrading my MB Pro to Catalina 10.15, I was experiencing the same problem with my Windows 10 Guest crashing that everyone else here experienced.

I just downloaded and installed the update to Vbox 6.0.14, and this fixed the problem for me.
My guest window now functions normally as it did before; no more crashes.
Interesting point was that I had to intentionally go to the Vbox download page to find 6.0.14; selecting "check for updates" through the Virtualbox app itself responded with "you are running the latest package". But again, 6.0.14 worked for me; hope the same for you, too!

- Bill
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Re: VirtualBox crashes after upgrading to macOS Catalina (#18990)

Post by SandyCyber »

THANK YOU EVERYONE!! i used the "VBoxManage setextradata global GUI/HidLedsSync 0" . work around and it works. Thanks again!
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Re: VirtualBox crashes after upgrading to macOS Catalina (#18990)

Post by SandyCyber »

I am having the same problem. I upgraded to OSX Catelina 10.15 and my virtual Box Crashes every-time. When I start it from the Dock it is the same outcome as if I start in from the application folder, it starts for a little while then crashes. Report is below. I do not see any clear steps on resolving or work around for this issue so if anyone can provide clear step by step process to resolve this issue I would greatly appreciate it. I have colleagues that are afraid to upgrade their mac due to the number of VM's they have configured in Virtual Box. Thank you in Advance!
You must specify a machine to start, using the command line.

Usage: VirtualBoxVM --startvm <name|UUID>
Starts the VirtualBox virtual machine with the given name or unique identifier (UUID).

Code: Select all

Process:               VirtualBoxVM [2168]
Path:                  /Applications/
Version:               6.0.12 (6.0.12)
Code Type:             X86-64 (Native)
Parent Process:        VBoxSVC [2103]
Responsible:           VirtualBox [2099]
User ID:               502

Date/Time:             2019-10-17 08:38:42.322 -0400
OS Version:            Mac OS X 10.15 (19A602)
Report Version:        12
Anonymous UUID:        6FE1A13A-5400-7261-BDF6-8FDA01DAE2DA

Time Awake Since Boot: 1600 seconds

System Integrity Protection: enabled

Crashed Thread:        6  Dispatch queue:

Exception Type:        EXC_BAD_ACCESS (SIGSEGV)
Exception Codes:       KERN_INVALID_ADDRESS at 0x0000000080080020
Exception Note:        EXC_CORPSE_NOTIFY

Termination Signal:    Segmentation fault: 11
Termination Reason:    Namespace SIGNAL, Code 0xb
Terminating Process:   exc handler [2168]

VM Regions Near 0x80080020:
    __TEXT                 000000010be0f000-000000010be31000 [  136K] r-x/rwx SM=COW  /Applications/
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Re: Linux VM aborts when host machine goes to sleep

Post by socratis »

Upgrade to 6.0.14. This is not a Guest issue, this is an OSX Host issue. Merging the thread with the prominent one in the "OSX Hosts" section.
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