I'm running VirtualBox 7.0.6 r155176 on Windows 10 64-bit host.
I'm running VBoxWebSrv.exe and calling the XML web service API.
When I try to run a process in a Windows guest machine, the process is launched in the wrong Windows session.
It was working without issues in VirtualBox 6.1.42.
For example, when the following code is run:
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IGuest_createSession("Administrator", "password", null, null)
C:\Windows\System32\VBoxService.exe guestsession --session-id=1 --session-proto=2 --user Administrator
Should I have expected it to have been launched in Windows session 1?
After waiting for the guest session to start, I call
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I did not pass Hidden to the flags in processCreate.
I expected the process to be launched on the desktop.
I'm logged in the guest as Administrator in Windows session 1.
Any ideas?
Thank you.