[Solved] auto-resize Guest Display stopped working in Linux

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[Solved] auto-resize Guest Display stopped working in Linux

Post by Bodisha »

Hello... and thanks in advance for any assistance anyone can offer with my problem

I've been running Centos 7 as a guest in VirtualBox 5.1.26 on Windows 10 for over a year now, without any problems. I had to perform a Centos 'yum update' (Which I've done before without incident) to install MySQL. This time though, after the update was done, my CentOS guest was back to the default resolution and the auto-resize for the guest had stopped working and was grey'ed out.

To try and fix the problem, I initially re-installed the VBOX Add-ons. I didn't see any obvious errors but it didn't work. My next course of action was to perform an install of all the recommended packages (kms binutils gcc make patch libgomp glibc-headers glibc-devel kernel-headers kernel-pae-devel) and try to re-install the VBOX Add-ons. WIth the exception of the patch, they were all at the latest versions... Once again I didn't see any errors but it didn't work. Finally, I tried to uninstall the VBOX Add-on "VBoxLinuxAdditions.run uninstall" and then tried re-installing it. Which still didn't work!

When I go through the /var/log/messages file I see "Starting VirtualBox Guest Addition service"... And lsmod shows 'vboxguest' is running....So I'm pretty confused... I've rebooted several times and I'm at a loss for what to do next.... I've Googled the issue and I'm at the end of my rope... Can someone PLEASE help me out here!!!!

Much thanks!!!
Last edited by socratis on 13. Mar 2018, 00:18, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: Marked as [Solved].
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Re: auto-resize Guest Display stopped working in Linux

Post by socratis »

Bodisha wrote:VirtualBox 5.1.26 on Windows 10 ... I had to perform a Centos 'yum update'
If you want to use the latest version for your host/guests, you should also consider doing the same for VirtualBox. Download the latest VirtualBox. As of this writing, that would be version 5.2.8. If that doesn't work you should try the latest test builds, especially with all the Spectre/Meltdown patches coming in from all sides.
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Re: auto-resize Guest Display stopped working in Linux

Post by Bodisha »

Thanks for the reply! I'm doing the VirtualBox update right now! I'll follow through with an update of how it goes once it's done
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Re: auto-resize Guest Display stopped working in Linux

Post by socratis »

If it doesn't work, we're going to need to see a VM log from a complete VM run:
  • Start the VM from cold-boot (not from a paused or saved state) / Observe error / Shutdown the VM (force close it if you have to).
  • With the VM completely shut down (not paused or saved), right-click on the VM in the VirtualBox Manager and select "Show Log".
  • Save only the first "VBox.log", ZIP it and attach it to your response. See the "Upload attachment" tab below the reply form.
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Re: auto-resize Guest Display stopped working in Linux

Post by Bodisha »

FYI... After initially upgrading VirtualBox to 5.2.8 the "auto re-size Guest Display" didn't work. I uninstalled the VirtualBox Guest Addition with "VBoxLinuxAdditions.run uninstall" and then reinstalled it. I did get an error during the re-install this time "virtualbox guest additions modprobe vboxsf failed".... But after the reboot it started working again
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Re: auto-resize Guest Display stopped working in Linux

Post by socratis »

Bodisha wrote:But after the reboot it started working again
Glad you got it going. Marking as [Solved].
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