Now that you have defined a SF, it's time to mount it. Boot the Guest and open a terminal. Create a folder where you will mount it on. E.g. in your home folder. I will use ~/host for the mount point.
Now mount it with the following command:
Code: Select all
sudo mount -t vboxsf share ~/host
Code: Select all
sudo mount -t vboxsf -o rw,uid=1000,gid=1000 share ~/host
Using /etc/fstab has little effect, because that file is processed before the SF module is loaded and will fail to mount the share. Sometimes, the share does get mounted because the GA check for it when they are loaded upon boot, but it's very flaky, meaning it doesn't work most of the time. You're better of with the first option.
When you put the mount command in /etc/rc.local, so it's mounted at startup, you can't use the short notation for your home folder. During startup, everything is done through the root user, so using ~ for home, means it's the home folder of Root (/root). Change it to the full path. For example:
Code: Select all
mount -t vboxsf share /home/<username>/host
Q: I get a protocol error when mounting.
Q: I get the error /sbin/mount.vboxsf: mounting failed with the error: No such device.
A: You mount the SF on a mount point with the same name as the share itself, change the name or mount point.
A: You're sharing a personal folder like your Home Folder (Linux), or My Documents (Windows) on the Host. Define a new share, like a sub folder.
Q: I get an error "Unexpected error: Text file busy." when trying to edit a file.
A: When using gedit, this can happen on shared folders. This is a bug in gedit, not VB. Use a different editor.