Problem after instalation macOS Ventura / Virtual box Version 6.1.40 r154048 (Qt5.6.3)

Discussions about using Mac OS X guests (on Apple hardware) in VirtualBox.
Posts: 1205
Joined: 14. Sep 2019, 16:51
Primary OS: Mac OS X other
VBox Version: VirtualBox+Oracle ExtPack
Guest OSses: Windows, Linux, BSD
Location: United Kingdom

Re: Problem after instalation macOS Ventura / Virtual box Version 6.1.40 r154048 (Qt5.6.3)

Post by multiOS »


Had you read this thread carefully, you would see the original query was actually about installing VirtualBox 6.1.40 on macOS 13 (Ventura Beta), which has completely different installation requirements to those enforced in previous versions of macOS. In fact, anyone previously running macOS 12 (Monterey) would have been frequently receiving Apple pop-up warnings advising them that software they had installed that relied on the use of Kexts would not be compatible with future versions of the OS.

VirtualBox 6.1.xx will remain incompatible with the macOS Ventura because Apple has now enforced those very different installation requirements with Ventura but the Oracle developers obviously had to maintain compatibility for the earlier and still supported versions of macOS, so it would have been be impractical to attempt to meet different installation requirements of both 'old' and 'new OS variants without a major re-design of the software. VirtualBox 7.0 (macOS variant) was designed specifically to meet those 'new' Apple enforced requirements in Ventura; and can now also be installed on all currently supported versions of macOS back to Catalina, because it is now apparent that they have evolved to accept both the 'old' and 'new' installation methods, but they do not enforce the specific requirements now enforced in Ventura.

Anyone who has used Apple products for any length of time knows that their closed hardware/software solutions invariably result in arbitrary decision making and changes even during or right at the end of beta testing, no matter what their existing user needs may be, what they can afford; or how long it may take for 3rd-party software developers to adapt and test their products.
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Joined: 22. Jul 2014, 02:06

Re: Problem after instalation macOS Ventura / Virtual box Version 6.1.40 r154048 (Qt5.6.3)

Post by Nap »

good_guy wrote: Anyways, my issue is fixed. I disabled 3D acceleration for my guestOS (which worked fine on previous Mac version). It's all about very generic and poor error notifications. And detailed error report isn't helpful either.
Thanks for mentioning this, disabling 3D Acceleration saved my sanity!
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Joined: 27. Aug 2023, 12:05

Re: Problem after instalation macOS Ventura / Virtual box Version 6.1.40 r154048 (Qt5.6.3)

Post by nurmohammad »

The problem is common in ventura. But I managed to run Virtualbox 6.1 with it’s extension pack on Monterey.