[Fixed] Double-click registered filetypes results in no action

Postings relating to old VirtualBox pre-releases
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[Fixed] Double-click registered filetypes results in no action

Post by socratis »

Version 5.1.0_RC1 r108607
Host: OSX 10.9.5

It is "customary" (if not mandatory) to be able to install the ExtPack with a simple double-click, which launches VirtualBox (if not already running) and then you are presented with the "You're about to install... ", version, information and the Install or Cancel dialog. In 5.1.0_RC1 this doesn't happen. Dbl-click on the ExtPack launches VirtualBox and it does nothing. Same result if VirtualBox is open. It was working with all prior versions, as far as I can remember, but I did re-test it again with 5.0.24 and it does work. Just not with 5.1.0_RC1.

Additional info
I cleared all the file associations with:

Code: Select all

lsregister -kill -r -domain local -domain user
and verified that the bundle information was correct (filtered for VirtualBox only):

Code: Select all

bundle	id:            27664
	path:          /Applications/VirtualBox.app
	name:          VirtualBox
	identifier:    org.virtualbox.app.VirtualBox (0x80004d45)
	canonical id:  org.virtualbox.app.virtualbox (0x8000476b)
	version:       5.1
	mod date:      7/9/2016 9:36:03
	reg date:      7/9/2016 9:36:38
	type code:     'APPL'
	creator code:  'VBOX'
	sys version:   (null)
	exec sdk ver:  10.9
	exec os ver:   10.9
	flags:         relative-icon-path  
	item flags:    container  package  application  extension-hidden  native-app  x86_64  
	hi res:        is-capabile  is-explicit  user-can-change  
	app nap:       is-capabile  
	icon:          Contents/Resources/virtualbox.icns
	executable:    Contents/MacOS/VirtualBox
	inode:         22741506
	exec inode:    22741799
	container id:  32
	library:       Contents/Library/
	library items: ../PlugIns/platforms/
	claim	id:            25516
		bindableKey:   2776
		generation:    1
		name:          VirtualBox Extension Pack
		rank:          Owner
		roles:         Viewer  
		flags:         relative-icon-path  
		icon:          Contents/Resources/virtualbox-vbox-extpack.icns
		bindings:      .vbox-extpack
	claim	id:            25552
		bindableKey:   2777
		generation:    1
		name:          Open Virtualization Format
		rank:          Default
		roles:         Viewer  
		flags:         relative-icon-path  
		icon:          Contents/Resources/virtualbox-ovf.icns
		bindings:      .ovf
	claim	id:            25588
		bindableKey:   2778
		generation:    1
		name:          Open Virtualization Format Archive
		rank:          Default
		roles:         Viewer  
		flags:         relative-icon-path  
		icon:          Contents/Resources/virtualbox-ova.icns
		bindings:      .ova
	claim	id:            25624
		bindableKey:   2779
		generation:    1
		name:          Virtual Disk Image
		rank:          Default
		roles:         None  
		flags:         relative-icon-path  
		icon:          Contents/Resources/virtualbox-vdi.icns
		bindings:      .vdi
	claim	id:            25660
		bindableKey:   2780
		generation:    1
		name:          Virtual Machine Disk Format
		rank:          Default
		roles:         None  
		flags:         relative-icon-path  
		icon:          Contents/Resources/virtualbox-vmdk.icns
		bindings:      .vmdk
	claim	id:            25696
		bindableKey:   2781
		generation:    1
		name:          Virtual Hard Disk
		rank:          Default
		roles:         None  
		flags:         relative-icon-path  
		icon:          Contents/Resources/virtualbox-vhd.icns
		bindings:      .vhd
	claim	id:            25732
		bindableKey:   2782
		generation:    1
		name:          Virtual Hard Disk
		rank:          Default
		roles:         None  
		flags:         relative-icon-path  
		icon:          Contents/Resources/virtualbox-hdd.icns
		bindings:      .hdd
bundle	id:            37520
	path:          /Applications/VirtualBox.app/Contents/Resources/vmstarter.app
	name:          vmstarter
	identifier:    org.virtualbox.app.vmstarter (0x80018863)
	version:       5.1
	mod date:      7/9/2016 9:36:03
	reg date:      7/9/2016 9:36:04
	type code:     'APPL'
	creator code:  'VBST'
	sys version:   (null)
	exec sdk ver:  10.9
	exec os ver:   10.9
	flags:         relative-icon-path  ui-element  
	item flags:    container  package  application  extension-hidden  native-app  x86_64  
	hi res:        is-capabile  is-explicit  user-can-change  
	app nap:       is-capabile  
	icon:          Contents/Resources/virtualbox.icns
	executable:    Contents/MacOS/vmstarter
	inode:         22741863
	exec inode:    22741804
	container id:  32
	library:       Contents/Library/
	library items:
	claim	id:            53848
		bindableKey:   2775
		generation:    1
		name:          VirtualBox Machine Definition
		rank:          Owner
		roles:         Editor  
		flags:         relative-icon-path  
		icon:          Contents/Resources/virtualbox-vbox.icns
		bindings:      .vbox
bundle	id:            37696
	path:          /Applications/VirtualBox.app/Contents/Resources/VirtualBoxVM.app
	name:          VirtualBox VM
	identifier:    org.virtualbox.app.VirtualBoxVM (0x8001883c)
	canonical id:  org.virtualbox.app.virtualboxvm (0x80018832)
	version:       5.1
	mod date:      7/9/2016 9:36:03
	reg date:      7/9/2016 9:36:04
	type code:     'APPL'
	creator code:  'VBVM'
	sys version:   (null)
	exec sdk ver:  10.9
	exec os ver:   10.9
	flags:         relative-icon-path  
	item flags:    container  package  application  extension-hidden  native-app  im-video-provider  x86_64  
	hi res:        is-capabile  is-explicit  user-can-change  
	app nap:       is-capabile  
	icon:          Contents/Resources/virtualbox.icns
	executable:    Contents/MacOS/VirtualBoxVM
	inode:         22741844
	exec inode:    22741801
	container id:  32
	library:       Contents/Library/
	library items:
Here's the same info, when 5.0.24 was installed:

Code: Select all

bundle	id:            12000
	path:          /Applications/VirtualBox.app
	name:          VirtualBox
	identifier:    org.virtualbox.app.VirtualBox (0x80004d45)
	canonical id:  org.virtualbox.app.virtualbox (0x8000476b)
	version:       5.0.24
	mod date:      7/9/2016 8:48:32
	reg date:      7/9/2016 9:22:44
	type code:     'APPL'
	creator code:  'VBOX'
	sys version:   (null)
	exec sdk ver:  10.7
	exec os ver:   10.7
	flags:         relative-icon-path  
	item flags:    container  package  application  extension-hidden  native-app  x86_64  
	hi res:        is-capabile  is-explicit  user-can-change  
	app nap:       is-capabile  user-can-change  
	icon:          Contents/Resources/virtualbox.icns
	executable:    Contents/MacOS/VirtualBox
	inode:         22737137
	exec inode:    22737411
	container id:  32
	library:       Contents/Library/
	library items:
	claim	id:            25516
		bindableKey:   1641
		generation:    1
		name:          VirtualBox Extension Pack
		rank:          Owner
		roles:         Viewer  
		flags:         relative-icon-path  
		icon:          Contents/Resources/virtualbox-vbox-extpack.icns
		bindings:      .vbox-extpack
	claim	id:            25552
		bindableKey:   1642
		generation:    1
		name:          Open Virtualization Format
		rank:          Default
		roles:         Viewer  
		flags:         relative-icon-path  
		icon:          Contents/Resources/virtualbox-ovf.icns
		bindings:      .ovf
	claim	id:            25588
		bindableKey:   1643
		generation:    1
		name:          Open Virtualization Format Archive
		rank:          Default
		roles:         Viewer  
		flags:         relative-icon-path  
		icon:          Contents/Resources/virtualbox-ova.icns
		bindings:      .ova
	claim	id:            25624
		bindableKey:   1644
		generation:    1
		name:          Virtual Disk Image
		rank:          Default
		roles:         None  
		flags:         relative-icon-path  
		icon:          Contents/Resources/virtualbox-vdi.icns
		bindings:      .vdi
	claim	id:            25660
		bindableKey:   1645
		generation:    1
		name:          Virtual Machine Disk Format
		rank:          Default
		roles:         None  
		flags:         relative-icon-path  
		icon:          Contents/Resources/virtualbox-vmdk.icns
		bindings:      .vmdk
	claim	id:            25696
		bindableKey:   1646
		generation:    74946
		name:          Virtual Hard Disk
		rank:          Default
		roles:         None  
		flags:         relative-icon-path  
		icon:          Contents/Resources/virtualbox-vhd.icns
		bindings:      .vhd
	claim	id:            25732
		bindableKey:   1647
		generation:    1
		name:          Virtual Hard Disk
		rank:          Default
		roles:         None  
		flags:         relative-icon-path  
		icon:          Contents/Resources/virtualbox-hdd.icns
		bindings:      .hdd
Last edited by socratis on 19. Jul 2016, 21:14, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: Added [Fixed] resolution
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Location: Greece

Re: vbox-extpack file association

Post by socratis »

Update: I can't even add a VM by double-clicking on a VBOX file.

I've changed the original post's title to reflect the situation, from "vbox-extpack file association" to "Double-click registered filetypes results in no action"
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Re: Double-click registered filetypes results in no action

Post by socratis »

It's still happening after 5.1 was released. I would like to know if this is been worked on (an acknowledgment would be OK) or if I should open a bug report. I don't want to, because you must have a lot on your plate, but if it means it would be better as a bug report so it won't be forgotten, I will.
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Oracle Corporation
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Re: Double-click registered filetypes results in no action

Post by santoshkumar »

Yes, I am able to reproduce the issue and working on it.
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Re: Double-click registered filetypes results in no action

Post by socratis »

Thank you for the feedback. I was just about to file a bug report. I guess I won't ;)
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Oracle Corporation
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Re: Double-click registered filetypes results in no action

Post by santoshkumar »

There seems to be two separate issues here atleast for ".vbox" file and ".vbox-extpack".

1) For ".vbox-extpack", I can reproduce the issue and working on it.

2) ".vbox" file I cannot reproduce the issue with 5.1 released version, Double clicking the file opens VirtualBox and adds it to VM list normally. But if VirtualBox is already open double-clicking the file does not add it to VM list instead just brings VirtualBox app to front ( needs to check what was behavior with 5.0 still here). There was one more issue (assertion) with debug build here where double clicking ".vbox" file was crashing VirtualBox, this is now being fixed.

My host OS is "OS X El Capitan version 10.11" and VBox version is 5.1.0.

Could you please confirm /explain detail whether you are seeing the same behavior or something different?
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Re: Double-click registered filetypes results in no action

Post by socratis »

I can verify your observation. Nice catch about the Open/Closed VBox state.

VBox open: Does nothing.
VBox closed: Does nothing.

VBox open: Does nothing.
VBox closed: Registers the VM.

.vbox-extpack in 5.0.24
VBox open: Starts the installation of the ExtPack
VBox closed: Starts the installation of the ExtPack

.vbox in 5.0.24
VBox open: Registers the VM.
VBox closed: Registers the VM.
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Re: Double-click registered filetypes results in no action

Post by santoshkumar »

Issue should be fixed in next release.
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Re: Double-click registered filetypes results in no action

Post by socratis »

Thanks santoshkumar for the feedback. I downloaded today r108841 and it wasn't fixed. Do you know what revision the fix was introduced in, so I can test it when it becomes available in the TestBuilds area?
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Oracle Corporation
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Re: Double-click registered filetypes results in no action

Post by santoshkumar »

Fixed in r108851.
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Re: Double-click registered filetypes results in no action

Post by socratis »

Version 5.1.1 r108857

santoshkumar, that was two birds with one stone!
1) It fixed the dbl-click issue both for ".vbox" and ".vbox-extpack", and
2) It was the first time (that I've seen) where an OSX build had a higher rev. number compared to the rest of the lot :D

Thanks again. Works as advertised!
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Re: [Fixed] Double-click registered filetypes results in no action

Post by socratis »

One very, very small thing I noticed in a really, really marginal case. I have set my language to Greek_el (we just finished the translation for 5.1.2, you're welcome ;) ). If I forget and I don't manually copy the "*_el.qm" files in the "nls" direcory, and I dbl-click on the ExtPack, when VirtualBox launches it reports (correctly):
Could not find a language file for the language el in the directory /Applications/VirtualBox.app/Contents/MacOS/nls.

The language will be temporarily reset to the system default language. Please go to the Preferences window which you can open from the File menu of the VirtualBox Manager window, and select one of the existing languages on the Language page.
Now, that dialog there, prevents the installation of the ExtPack. Nothing major, as I said it's a really marginal case. Just something to keep in mind. BTW, of course it doesn't happen if VirtualBox is already open.
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