Cisco UCS C240 M3 abort virtualbox in zone

Discussions related to using VirtualBox on Solaris hosts.
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Joined: 4. Mar 2016, 14:00

Cisco UCS C240 M3 abort virtualbox in zone

Post by bvictor »


I can't to start virtualbox. This is all my configs and logs

Help me, please...

zone config

Code: Select all

cronus/bvictor11:56:13~$zonecfg -z geryon info
zonename: geryon
zonepath: /rpool/zone/geryon
brand: solaris
autoboot: true
autoshutdown: shutdown
bootargs: -m verbose
limitpriv: default
scheduling-class: FSS
ip-type: exclusive
	linkname: net0
	lower-link: net0
	allowed-address not specified
	configure-allowed-address: true
	defrouter not specified
	allowed-dhcp-cids not specified
	link-protection: mac-nospoof
	mac-address: auto
	auto-mac-address: 2:8:20:b4:bd:38
	mac-prefix not specified
	mac-slot not specified
	vlan-id not specified
	priority not specified
	rxrings not specified
	txrings not specified
	mtu not specified
	maxbw not specified
	bwshare not specified
	rxfanout not specified
	vsi-typeid not specified
	vsi-vers not specified
	vsi-mgrid not specified
	etsbw-lcl not specified
	cos not specified
	pkey not specified
	linkmode not specified
	evs not specified
	vport not specified
	match: /dev/vboxdrv
	storage not specified
	allow-partition not specified
	allow-raw-io not specified
	match: /dev/vboxdrvu
	storage not specified
	allow-partition not specified
	allow-raw-io not specified
	match: /dev/vboxusbmon
	storage not specified
	allow-partition not specified
	allow-raw-io not specified
	ncpus: 2-3
	cpus not specified
	cores not specified
	sockets not specified
	physical: 9G
	[swap: 2G]
	[locked: 500M]
	name: comment
	type: string
	value: "FreeBSD zone"
	name: zone.max-locked-memory
	value: (priv=privileged,limit=524288000,action=deny)
	name: zone.max-swap
	value: (priv=privileged,limit=2147483648,action=deny)
Geryon/bvictor11:29:24~$uname -a
SunOS Geryon 5.11 11.3 i86pc i386 i86pc Solaris

Geryon/bvictor13:04:27~$dladm show-link
net0 vnic 1500 up ?

Output VBoxManage list commands

Code: Select all

Geryon/bvictor11:40:13~$VBoxManage list bridgedifs
Name:            net0 - Ethernet
GUID:            3074656e-0000-4000-8000-020820b4bd38
DHCP:            Disabled
IPV6Address:     fe80:0000:0000:0000:0008:20ff:feb4:bd38
IPV6NetworkMaskPrefixLength: 8
HardwareAddress: 02:08:20:b4:bd:38
MediumType:      Ethernet
Status:          Up
VBoxNetworkName: HostInterfaceNetworking-net0

Geryon/bvictor11:41:09~$VBoxManage list dhcpservers
NetworkName:    HostInterfaceNetworking-vboxnet0
Enabled:        Yes
Geryon/bvictor11:41:39~$VBoxManage list hostinfo
Host Information:

Host time: 2016-03-10T08:41:46.480000000Z
Processor online count: 3
Processor count: 3
VBoxManage: error: Code NS_ERROR_ABORT (0x80004004) - Operation aborted (extended info not available)
VBoxManage: error: Context: "COMGETTER(ProcessorOnlineCoreCount)(&processorOnlineCoreCount)" at line 200 of file VBoxManageList.cpp
Processor online core count: 0
VBoxManage: error: Code NS_ERROR_CALL_FAILED (0x800706BE) - Call to remote object failed (extended info not available)
VBoxManage: error: Context: "COMGETTER(ProcessorCoreCount)(&processorCoreCount)" at line 203 of file VBoxManageList.cpp
Processor core count: 0
VBoxManage: error: Code NS_ERROR_CALL_FAILED (0x800706BE) - Call to remote object failed (extended info not available)
VBoxManage: error: Context: "GetProcessorSpeed(i, &processorSpeed)" at line 209 of file VBoxManageList.cpp
Processor#0 speed: unknown
VBoxManage: error: Code NS_ERROR_CALL_FAILED (0x800706BE) - Call to remote object failed (extended info not available)
VBoxManage: error: Context: "GetProcessorDescription(i, processorDescription.asOutParam())" at line 214 of file VBoxManageList.cpp
Processor#0 description: 
VBoxManage: error: Code NS_ERROR_CALL_FAILED (0x800706BE) - Call to remote object failed (extended info not available)
VBoxManage: error: Context: "GetProcessorSpeed(i, &processorSpeed)" at line 209 of file VBoxManageList.cpp
Processor#1 speed: unknown
VBoxManage: error: Code NS_ERROR_CALL_FAILED (0x800706BE) - Call to remote object failed (extended info not available)
VBoxManage: error: Context: "GetProcessorDescription(i, processorDescription.asOutParam())" at line 214 of file VBoxManageList.cpp
Processor#1 description: 
VBoxManage: error: Code NS_ERROR_CALL_FAILED (0x800706BE) - Call to remote object failed (extended info not available)
VBoxManage: error: Context: "GetProcessorSpeed(i, &processorSpeed)" at line 209 of file VBoxManageList.cpp
Processor#2 speed: unknown
VBoxManage: error: Code NS_ERROR_CALL_FAILED (0x800706BE) - Call to remote object failed (extended info not available)
VBoxManage: error: Context: "GetProcessorDescription(i, processorDescription.asOutParam())" at line 214 of file VBoxManageList.cpp
Processor#2 description: 
VBoxManage: error: Code NS_ERROR_CALL_FAILED (0x800706BE) - Call to remote object failed (extended info not available)
VBoxManage: error: Context: "COMGETTER(MemorySize)(&memorySize)" at line 219 of file VBoxManageList.cpp
Memory size: 0 MByte
VBoxManage: error: Code NS_ERROR_CALL_FAILED (0x800706BE) - Call to remote object failed (extended info not available)
VBoxManage: error: Context: "COMGETTER(MemoryAvailable)(&memoryAvailable)" at line 223 of file VBoxManageList.cpp
Memory available: 0 MByte
VBoxManage: error: Code NS_ERROR_CALL_FAILED (0x800706BE) - Call to remote object failed (extended info not available)
VBoxManage: error: Context: "COMGETTER(OperatingSystem)(operatingSystem.asOutParam())" at line 227 of file VBoxManageList.cpp
Operating system: 
VBoxManage: error: Code NS_ERROR_CALL_FAILED (0x800706BE) - Call to remote object failed (extended info not available)
VBoxManage: error: Context: "COMGETTER(OSVersion)(oSVersion.asOutParam())" at line 231 of file VBoxManageList.cpp
Operating system version: 

Geryon/bvictor11:42:29~$VBoxManage list hostcpuids
Host CPUIDs:

Leaf no.  EAX      EBX      ECX      EDX
00000000  0000000d 756e6547 6c65746e 49656e69
00000001  000206d7 05200800 1fbee3ff bfebfbff
00000002  76035a01 00f0b2ff 00000000 00ca0000
00000003  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
00000004  3c004121 01c0003f 0000003f 00000000
00000005  00000040 00000040 00000003 00021120
00000006  00000077 00000002 00000009 00000000
00000007  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
00000008  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
00000009  00000001 00000000 00000000 00000000
0000000a  07300403 00000000 00000000 00000603
0000000b  00000001 00000002 00000100 00000003
0000000c  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
0000000d  00000007 00000340 00000340 00000000
0000000e  00000007 00000340 00000340 00000000
80000000  80000008 00000000 00000000 00000000
80000001  00000000 00000000 00000001 2c100800
80000002  20202020 49202020 6c65746e 20295228
80000003  6e6f6558 20295228 20555043 322d3545
80000004  20303436 20402030 30352e32 007a4847
80000005  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
80000006  00000000 00000000 01006040 00000000
80000007  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000100
80000008  0000302e 00000000 00000000 00000000
80000009  00000007 00000340 00000340 00000000

Geryon/bvictor11:43:21~$VBoxManage list hddbackends
Supported hard disk backends:

Backend 0: id='VMDK' description='VMDK' capabilities=0x027f extensions='vmdk (HardDisk)' properties=()
Backend 1: id='VDI' description='VDI' capabilities=0x0677 extensions='vdi (HardDisk)' properties=()
Backend 2: id='VHD' description='VHD' capabilities=0x0277 extensions='vhd (HardDisk)' properties=()
Backend 3: id='Parallels' description='Parallels' capabilities=0x0274 extensions='hdd (HardDisk)' properties=()
Backend 4: id='DMG' description='DMG' capabilities=0x0240 extensions='dmg (DVD)' properties=()
Backend 5: id='QED' description='QED' capabilities=0x0274 extensions='qed (HardDisk)' properties=()
Backend 6: id='QCOW' description='QCOW' capabilities=0x0274 extensions='qcow (HardDisk),qcow2 (HardDisk)' properties=()
Backend 7: id='VHDX' description='VHDX' capabilities=0x0240 extensions='vhdx (HardDisk)' properties=()
Backend 8: id='RAW' description='RAW' capabilities=0x0262 extensions='iso (DVD),cdr (DVD),img (Floppy),ima (Floppy),dsk (Floppy),flp (Floppy),vfd (Floppy)' properties=()
Backend 9: id='iSCSI' description='iSCSI' capabilities=0x01a0 extensions='' properties=(
  name='TargetName' desc='' type=string flags=0x01 default='', 
  name='LUN' desc='' type=string flags=0x01 default='0', 
  name='TargetAddress' desc='' type=string flags=0x01 default='', 
  name='InitiatorName' desc='' type=string flags=0x00 default='', 
  name='InitiatorUsername' desc='' type=string flags=0x00 default='', 
  name='InitiatorSecret' desc='' type=byte flags=0x00 default='', 
  name='TargetUsername' desc='' type=string flags=0x02 default='', 
  name='TargetSecret' desc='' type=byte flags=0x02 default='', 
  name='WriteSplit' desc='' type=int flags=0x02 default='262144', 
  name='Timeout' desc='' type=int flags=0x02 default='10000', 
  name='HostIPStack' desc='' type=int flags=0x02 default='1', 
  name='DumpMalformedPackets' desc='' type=int flags=0x02 default='0')

Geryon/bvictor11:44:09~$VBoxManage list hdds
UUID:           b90ecf1f-6e0c-4eff-98cb-ceeec3cb0c9a
Parent UUID:    base
State:          created
Type:           normal (base)
Location:       /home/bvictor/VirtualBox VMs/Zabbix/zabbix-disk1.vmdk
Storage format: VMDK
Capacity:       40000 MBytes
Encryption:     disabled

UUID:           61556fcb-7382-4956-9a69-a5eb443a18ad
Parent UUID:    base
State:          created
Type:           normal (base)
Location:       /home/bvictor/virtualbox/testvm/testvm.vdi
Storage format: VDI
Capacity:       40000 MBytes
Encryption:     disabled

Geryon/bvictor11:44:52~$VBoxManage list dvds
UUID:           ce273c6a-108e-48a7-924f-a63d7322adb9
State:          created
Type:           readonly
Location:       /home/bvictor/FreeBSD-10.2-RELEASE-amd64-uefi-dvd1.iso
Storage format: RAW
Capacity:       2613 MBytes
Encryption:     disabled

Geryon/bvictor11:45:40~$VBoxManage list systemproperties
API version:                     5_0
Minimum guest RAM size:          4 Megabytes
Maximum guest RAM size:          2097152 Megabytes
Minimum video RAM size:          1 Megabytes
Maximum video RAM size:          256 Megabytes
Maximum guest monitor count:     64
Minimum guest CPU count:         1
Maximum guest CPU count:         32
Virtual disk limit (info):       2199022206976 Bytes
Maximum Serial Port count:       2
Maximum Parallel Port count:     2
Maximum Boot Position:           4
Maximum PIIX3 Network Adapter count:   8
Maximum ICH9 Network Adapter count:   36
Maximum PIIX3 IDE Controllers:   1
Maximum ICH9 IDE Controllers:    1
Maximum IDE Port count:          2
Maximum Devices per IDE Port:    2
Maximum PIIX3 SATA Controllers:  1
Maximum ICH9 SATA Controllers:   8
Maximum SATA Port count:         30
Maximum Devices per SATA Port:   1
Maximum PIIX3 SCSI Controllers:  1
Maximum ICH9 SCSI Controllers:   8
Maximum SCSI Port count:         16
Maximum Devices per SCSI Port:   1
Maximum SAS PIIX3 Controllers:   1
Maximum SAS ICH9 Controllers:    8
Maximum SAS Port count:          255
Maximum Devices per SAS Port:    1
Maximum PIIX3 Floppy Controllers:1
Maximum ICH9 Floppy Controllers: 1
Maximum Floppy Port count:       1
Maximum Devices per Floppy Port: 2
Default machine folder:          /home/bvictor/VirtualBox VMs
Raw-mode Supported:              yes
Exclusive HW virtualization use: on
Default hard disk format:        VDI
VRDE auth library:               VBoxAuth
Webservice auth. library:        VBoxAuth
Remote desktop ExtPack:          Oracle VM VirtualBox Extension Pack
Log history count:               3
Default frontend:                
Autostart database path:         
Default Guest Additions ISO:     /opt/VirtualBox/VBoxGuestAdditions.iso
Logging Level:                   all

Geryon/bvictor11:46:27~$VBoxManage list extpacks
Extension Packs: 1
Pack no. 0:   Oracle VM VirtualBox Extension Pack
Version:      5.0.14
Revision:     105127
Description:  USB 2.0 and USB 3.0 Host Controller, Host Webcam, VirtualBox RDP, PXE ROM, Disk Encryption.
VRDE Module:  VBoxVRDP
Usable:       true 
Why unusable: 

Geryon/bvictor11:47:59~$VBoxManage list vms
"Zabbix" {ad7f1ec6-3957-44db-85d9-10738807b10d}
"testvm" {2e84a460-d534-4402-8fe2-5b9f5a776728}

Geryon/bvictor11:49:18~$VBoxManage startvm testvm --type headless
Waiting for VM "testvm" to power on...
VM "testvm" has been successfully started.

Output VBoxManage showvminfo command

Code: Select all

Geryon/bvictor11:49:26~$VBoxManage showvminfo testvm
Name:            testvm
Groups:          /
Guest OS:        FreeBSD (64-bit)
UUID:            2e84a460-d534-4402-8fe2-5b9f5a776728
Config file:     /home/bvictor/.config/VirtualBox/virtualbox/testvm/testvm.vbox
Snapshot folder: /home/bvictor/.config/VirtualBox/virtualbox/testvm/Snapshots
Log folder:      /home/bvictor/.config/VirtualBox/virtualbox/testvm/Logs
Hardware UUID:   2e84a460-d534-4402-8fe2-5b9f5a776728
Memory size:     128MB
Page Fusion:     off
VRAM size:       8MB
CPU exec cap:    100%
HPET:            off
Chipset:         piix3
Firmware:        BIOS
Number of CPUs:  1
PAE:             on
Long Mode:       on
CPUID Portability Level: 0
CPUID overrides: None
Boot menu mode:  message and menu
Boot Device (1): DVD
Boot Device (2): DVD
Boot Device (3): HardDisk
Boot Device (4): Not Assigned
ACPI:            on
IOAPIC:          off
Time offset:     0ms
RTC:             local time
Hardw. virt.ext: on
Nested Paging:   on
Large Pages:     on
VT-x VPID:       on
VT-x unr. exec.: on
Paravirt. Provider: Default
State:           aborted (since 2016-03-10T08:49:26.000000000)
Monitor count:   1
3D Acceleration: off
Teleporter Enabled: off
Teleporter Port: 0
Teleporter Address: 
Teleporter Password: 
Tracing Enabled: off
Allow Tracing to Access VM: off
Tracing Configuration: 
Autostart Enabled: off
Autostart Delay: 0
Default Frontend: 
Storage Controller Name (0):            sata0
Storage Controller Type (0):            IntelAhci
Storage Controller Instance Number (0): 0
Storage Controller Max Port Count (0):  30
Storage Controller Port Count (0):      30
Storage Controller Bootable (0):        on
sata0 (0, 0): /home/bvictor/virtualbox/testvm/testvm.vdi (UUID: 61556fcb-7382-4956-9a69-a5eb443a18ad)
sata0 (1, 0): /home/bvictor/FreeBSD-10.2-RELEASE-amd64-uefi-dvd1.iso (UUID: ce273c6a-108e-48a7-924f-a63d7322adb9)
NIC 1:           MAC: 08002715534B, Attachment: Bridged Interface 'net0', Cable connected: on, Trace: off (file: none), Type: Am79C973, Reported speed: 0 Mbps, Boot priority: 0, Promisc Policy: deny, Bandwidth group: none
NIC 2:           disabled
NIC 3:           disabled
NIC 4:           disabled
NIC 5:           disabled
NIC 6:           disabled
NIC 7:           disabled
NIC 8:           disabled
Pointing Device: PS/2 Mouse
Keyboard Device: PS/2 Keyboard
UART 1:          disabled
UART 2:          disabled
LPT 1:           disabled
LPT 2:           disabled
Audio:           disabled
Clipboard Mode:  disabled
Drag and drop Mode: disabled
VRDE:            disabled
USB:             disabled
EHCI:            disabled
XHCI:            disabled

USB Device Filters:


Bandwidth groups:  <none>

Shared folders:  <none>

Video capturing:    not active
Capture screens:    0
Capture file:       /home/bvictor/.config/VirtualBox/virtualbox/testvm/testvm.webm
Capture dimensions: 1024x768
Capture rate:       512 kbps
Capture FPS:        25


Configured memory balloon size:      0 MB

(17.97 KiB) Downloaded 30 times
(39.2 KiB) Downloaded 31 times
Post Reply