Expand interface fonts v. 5.2

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Posts: 137
Joined: 24. Nov 2016, 12:04

Expand interface fonts v. 5.2

Post by boxino »

I installed VM version 5.2 into linux debian jessie, but the interface fonts are very small. How can I bring them back to those of the older version that were larger? Is there a specific configuration file?
Thank you.
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Oracle Corporation
Posts: 165
Joined: 10. Sep 2007, 10:42

Re: Expand interface fonts v. 5.2

Post by Dsen »

What was the previous VBox version (where the fonts were larger)?
Also, I see they have different window frames. Does that mean you are using different environment in 1st and 2nd case? Another DE (desktop environment) or WM (window manager)?
Thx in advance!
Oracle Corporation
Posts: 165
Joined: 10. Sep 2007, 10:42

Re: Expand interface fonts v. 5.2

Post by Dsen »

Also, please check what is the Qt version used in both cases (VBox about dialog).
That looks like your system doesn't have latest Qt version, so our fallback Qt library is used there instead (in that case it ignores font configuration since it is not integrated into your system).
Posts: 137
Joined: 24. Nov 2016, 12:04

Re: Expand interface fonts v. 5.2

Post by boxino »

No, the system is the same, maybe uninstalling Oracle VM 5.1 has pulled something away. QT4 is version How do I install the latest version or that QT is regularly installed?
Thank you
Oracle Corporation
Posts: 165
Joined: 10. Sep 2007, 10:42

Re: Expand interface fonts v. 5.2

Post by Dsen »

If previous was VBox 5.1 then it's already based on Qt5, not Qt4.
As I noted you can always check what Qt version GUI *uses* in the VBox About dialog (invoked from the application's Help menu). Please let me know what is reflected there.
Since that is Qt5 and you want it to be integrated with the system (to make it handle font configuration) you need to update your Linux distribution to latest if possible and make sure Qt5 library is of at least 5.6.1 version there (this distribution is already more than a year old), otherwise our fallback Qt library (5.6.1) will be used, not system one.
Am I correctly understood that you are using Debian "jessie" (Debian 8.9 was released July 22nd, 2017)? Isn't it have much more recent Qt5 there?
Posts: 137
Joined: 24. Nov 2016, 12:04

Re: Expand interface fonts v. 5.2

Post by boxino »

The version is correct but doesn't work corectly, but we should always be able to handle fonts because with small ones you have a video space of the larger virtual machine, adjusting it to the need. :wink:
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Oracle Corporation
Posts: 165
Joined: 10. Sep 2007, 10:42

Re: Expand interface fonts v. 5.2

Post by Dsen »

As I said, the version which VirtualBox About dialog reflects is an effective Qt version. Seems it's exactly our fallback Qt5 library, not system one.
Please check which Qt5 version is installed within your Linux distribution.
Posts: 4
Joined: 24. Oct 2017, 05:23

Re: Expand interface fonts v. 5.2

Post by Vsevolod-linuxoid »

Debian Jessie uses qt 5.3 -- and previous VB 5.1 use it to, so it had not this problem.

Also, I install jessie version of VB 5.2 to stretch -- and it has the same problem as on jessie, instead stertch version of VB 5.2 with qt 5.7 has not.

Yes, I have the same problem as TS.

Sorry if my English is not very good: it is not my native language.
Last edited by socratis on 28. Oct 2017, 10:56, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: Removed unnecessary verbatim quote of the whole previous message.
Posts: 4
Joined: 16. Feb 2015, 13:26

Re: Expand interface fonts v. 5.2

Post by portos »

Hello everybody :)

I encounter exactly the same problem and I have compiled a 5.6.3 release of QT in my Ubuntu 16.04 32 bits system.
Now, available QT library for my system is 5.6.3 but Virtualbox still uses its fallbak QT 5.6.1 !
What is missing to it works ?

Code: Select all

Qt 5.6.3 (i386-little_endian-ilp32 shared (dynamic) release build; by GCC 5.4.0 20160609) on "xcb" 
OS: Ubuntu 16.04.4 LTS [linux version 4.4.0-128-generic]

Architecture: i386; features: SSE2 SSE3 SSSE3



Library info:
  PrefixPath: /usr/local/Qt-5.6.3
  DocumentationPath: /usr/local/Qt-5.6.3/doc
  HeadersPath: /usr/local/Qt-5.6.3/include
  LibrariesPath: /usr/local/Qt-5.6.3/lib
  LibraryExecutablesPath: /usr/local/Qt-5.6.3/libexec
  BinariesPath: /usr/local/Qt-5.6.3/bin
  PluginsPath: /usr/local/Qt-5.6.3/plugins
  ImportsPath: /usr/local/Qt-5.6.3/imports
  Qml2ImportsPath: /usr/local/Qt-5.6.3/qml
  ArchDataPath: /usr/local/Qt-5.6.3
  DataPath: /usr/local/Qt-5.6.3
  TranslationsPath: /usr/local/Qt-5.6.3/translations
  ExamplesPath: /usr/local/Qt-5.6.3/examples
  TestsPath: /usr/local/Qt-5.6.3/tests
  SettingsPath: /usr/local/Qt-5.6.3/etc/xdg

Standard paths [*...* denote writable entry]:
  DesktopLocation: "Desktop" */home/sergio/Bureau*
  DocumentsLocation: "Documents" */home/sergio/Documents*
  FontsLocation: "Fonts" */home/sergio/.fonts*
  ApplicationsLocation: "Applications" */home/sergio/.local/share/applications* /usr/share/ubuntu/applications /usr/share/gnome/applications /usr/local/share/applications /usr/share/applications /var/lib/snapd/desktop/applications
  MusicLocation: "Music" */home/sergio/Musique*
  MoviesLocation: "Movies" */home/sergio/Vidéos*
  PicturesLocation: "Pictures" */home/sergio/Images*
  TempLocation: "Temporary Directory" */tmp*
  HomeLocation: "Home" */home/sergio*
  AppLocalDataLocation: "Application Data" */home/sergio/.local/share/QtProject/qtdiag* /usr/share/ubuntu/QtProject/qtdiag /usr/share/gnome/QtProject/qtdiag /usr/local/share/QtProject/qtdiag /usr/share/QtProject/qtdiag /var/lib/snapd/desktop/QtProject/qtdiag
  CacheLocation: "Cache" */home/sergio/.cache/QtProject/qtdiag*
  GenericDataLocation: "Shared Data" */home/sergio/.local/share* /usr/share/ubuntu /usr/share/gnome /usr/local/share /usr/share /var/lib/snapd/desktop
  RuntimeLocation: "Runtime" */run/user/1000*
  ConfigLocation: "Configuration" */home/sergio/.config* /etc/xdg/xdg-ubuntu /usr/share/upstart/xdg /etc/xdg
  DownloadLocation: "Download" */home/sergio/Téléchargements*
  GenericCacheLocation: "Shared Cache" */home/sergio/.cache*
  GenericConfigLocation: "Shared Configuration" */home/sergio/.config* /etc/xdg/xdg-ubuntu /usr/share/upstart/xdg /etc/xdg
  AppDataLocation: "Application Data" */home/sergio/.local/share/QtProject/qtdiag* /usr/share/ubuntu/QtProject/qtdiag /usr/share/gnome/QtProject/qtdiag /usr/local/share/QtProject/qtdiag /usr/share/QtProject/qtdiag /var/lib/snapd/desktop/QtProject/qtdiag
  AppConfigLocation: "Application Configuration" */home/sergio/.config/QtProject/qtdiag* /etc/xdg/xdg-ubuntu/QtProject/qtdiag /usr/share/upstart/xdg/QtProject/qtdiag /etc/xdg/QtProject/qtdiag

File selectors (increasing order of precedence):
  fr_FR unix linux ubuntu

  SSL is not available.

Platform capabilities: ThreadedPixmaps OpenGL WindowMasks MultipleWindows ForeignWindows NonFullScreenWindows NativeWidgets WindowManagement SyncState RasterGLSurface SwitchableWidgetComposition

Style hints:
  mouseDoubleClickInterval: 400
  mousePressAndHoldInterval: 800
  startDragDistance: 10
  startDragTime: 500
  startDragVelocity: 0
  keyboardInputInterval: 400
  keyboardAutoRepeatRate: 30
  cursorFlashTime: 1000
  showIsFullScreen: 0
  showIsMaximized: 0
  passwordMaskDelay: 0
  passwordMaskCharacter: U+2022
  fontSmoothingGamma: 1
  useRtlExtensions: 0
  setFocusOnTouchRelease: 0
  tabFocusBehavior: Qt::TabFocusBehavior(TabFocusAllControls) 
  singleClickActivation: 0

Additional style hints (QPlatformIntegration):
  ReplayMousePressOutsidePopup: 0

  Available    : gtk2,gnome,ubuntu,generic
  Styles       : GTK+,fusion,windows
  Icon theme   : Adwaita, gnome from /home/sergio/.icons,/usr/share/icons,/usr/share/pixmaps

  System font  : "Sans Serif" 9

  General font : "Sans Serif" 9
  Fixed font   : "monospace" 9
  Title font   : "Helvetica" 12
  Smallest font: "Helvetica" 12

  WindowText: #ff000000
  Button: #ffefebe7
  Light: #ffffffff
  Midlight: #ffcbc7c4
  Dark: #ff9f9d9a
  Mid: #ffb8b5b2
  Text: #ff000000
  BrightText: #ffffffff
  ButtonText: #ff000000
  Base: #ffffffff
  Window: #ffefebe7
  Shadow: #ff767472
  Highlight: #ff308cc6
  HighlightedText: #ffffffff
  Link: #ff0000ff
  LinkVisited: #ffff00ff
  AlternateBase: #fff7f5f3
  NoRole: #ff000000
  ToolTipBase: #ffffffdc
  ToolTipText: #ff000000

Screens: 1, High DPI scaling: inactive
# 0 "DVI-0" Depth: 24 Primary: yes
  Geometry: 1920x1080+0+0 Available: 1871x1056+49+24
  Physical size: 531x299 mm  Refresh: 60 Hz Power state: 0
  Physical DPI: 91.8418,91.7458 Logical DPI: 96,96 Subpixel_None
  DevicePixelRatio: 1 Pixel density: 1
  Primary orientation: 2 Orientation: 2 Native orientation: 0 OrientationUpdateMask: 0

LibGL Vendor: X.Org
Renderer: AMD RV710 (DRM 2.43.0 / 4.4.0-128-generic, LLVM 5.0.0)
Version: 3.0 Mesa 17.2.8
Shading language: 1.30
Format: Version: 3.0 Profile: 0 Swap behavior: 0 Buffer size (RGB): 8,8,8
Last edited by socratis on 27. Jun 2018, 23:33, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: Enclosed the information in [code] tag for better readability
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