Howto export VM as OVF but the vmdk file without disk001 suffix

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Howto export VM as OVF but the vmdk file without disk001 suffix

Post by cesarjorgemartinez »

Howto export VM as OVF but the vmdk file without disk001 suffix?

I can't find one option to set as example "the vmdk file is myvm.vmdk".
The example ovf name myvm.vmdk and I need something else:
<File ovf:id="file1" ovf:href="myvm.vmdk"/>

The vmboxmanage help is the following:

VBoxManage export <machines> <--output=name> [--legacy09 | --ovf09 | --ovf10 | --ovf20] [--manifest] [--options= manifest | iso | nomacs |
nomacsbutnat... ] [--vsys=virtual-system-number] [--description=description-info] [--eula=license-text] [--eulafile=filename]
[--product=product-name] [--producturl=product-URL] [--vendor=vendor-name] [--vendorurl=vendor-URL] [--version=version-info] [--vmname=vmname]

VBoxManage export <machine> <--output=cloud-service-provider> [--opc10] [--vmname=vmname] [--cloud=virtual-system-number]
[--cloudprofile=cloud-profile-name] [--cloudshape=cloud-shape-name] [--clouddomain=cloud-domain] [--clouddisksize=disk-size-in-GB]
[--cloudbucket=bucket-name] [--cloudocivcn=OCI-VCN-ID] [--cloudocisubnet=OCI-subnet-ID] [--cloudkeepobject= true | false ] [--cloudlaunchinstance=
true | false ] [--cloudlaunchmode= EMULATED | PARAVIRTUALIZED ] [--cloudpublicip= true | false ]
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